Thursday, May 5, 2011


Bright blue skies greeted us on Tuesday morning accompanied by quite strong, cold winds but undaunted we set off towards Lulworth Bay through the lovely Dorset countryside. Dorset is very rural, dotted with small settlements  each with their own little pub. We wound our way through all this till we came down a hill and suddenly the sea was there in front of us.

Lulworth is a tiny village perched on the edge of an almost circular bay. There was a large parking lot which testifies to its popularity as a holiday/ daytrip destination especially for walkers.

It wasn’t long before we were toiling up the path towards Durdle Door – a distance of 1¼miles . The climb was long and steep and there were lots of pauses for a rest and the view from the top was delightful.

 Then came the long downward trek to Durdle Door.

This rock formation is a bit like a natural arch and guards a lovely sheltered bay. The beach is crescent shaped and looks a delightful place to swim if the water is ever warm enough to allow that. There was one brave soul swimming today and while the sun was quite warm, the wind was very strong and cold. There were quite a few people around and an ice cream man selling a variety of ice creams. We then headed back to Lulworth along the chalk cliffs.

Our first outing to the Devon Coast was a spectacular introduction to this beautiful part of England.

In the evening we headed off along narrow country lanes to the village of Trent to meet my blogging friend Jane of “Marigold Jam” and her husband at the Rose and Crown pub for tea. It is the first time I have met anyone from blogland and I was quite excited . We enjoyed their company very much and did not leave until after 9.30pm, then had to drive home along narrow unmarked roads in the dark.

It’s a hard life but someone has to do it !!



  1. What a fab time you're having and such lovely pics too. I expect Jane gave you loads of info on where to go - don't forget Tyneham on your travels. Looking forward to seeing what's next x

  2. Looks like you are having a great holiday. The cottage looks really love. Have fun! Ros

  3. We enjoyed our evening too Helen! Shall I book the table for next time?!! Hope you are continuing to enjoy your visit to our neck of the woods!

  4. Your coastal pictures are spectacular. Who is taking all these photos? They're amazing.

    It's great to meet up with bloggy friends. Glad you had a good time.

  5. I love your photos Helen, I really love Dorset, it's nice to be able to see it again through your photos.
    Any photos of you and Jane? I'm so glad you met, it's good to be able to meet blog friends isn't it.

  6. I am enjoying your adventures, it's years since we've been to Lulworth. Have a lovely holiday Helen!

  7. It really is beautiful, isn't it? For someone who doesn't like exercise you are doing well walking on that very up-and-down coast path.
    Do blog friends have square heads like their computers? Hee hee!

  8. Durdle Door... I have been there a few times and seen pictures of it before but now I see it like a dragon bending down to take a drink from the water.
    Forever the English teacher, quote "Our first outing to the Devon Coast was a spectacular introduction to this beautiful part of England." You mean DORSET you silly billy!...The weather is looking really lovely. By accident you have hit upon a record-breaking springtime.

  9. I'm glad to see your having a good trip so far and got to meet a blogging buddy! How fun!

    Thanks for taking us along!

  10. I was going to say, "Is it just me or does anyone else think Durdle Door looks like a dragon bending down to take a drink from the water?" but now I see that my friend and nemesis Yorkshire Pudding thinks so too. We were separated at birth.
