Thursday, May 5, 2011


On Monday we set off for Sherborne Abbey through rolling countryside , checkered in greens and the bright yellow of the rape crop in flower.

There was a cold wind blowing and it was morning tea time so we found a lovely pub called the Half Moon where we had a hot chocolate and a cappuccino for the small sum of 4 pound – about half the price of the same thing in Oz.!!
 We returned to the abbey to explore this lovely old building whose history goes back to the 700s.

It is a very large, grand building with a spectacular roof and lovely windows.

Next we set off for Sherborne Castle ( old and new ). The old castle is a ruin courtesy of Oliver Cromwell but the new castle, first built by Sir Walter Raleigh, is lovely and we toured inside where many rooms are fairly well preserved and furnished.

The castle is still owned by the Digby family who acquired it after Raleigh was beheaded and his property confiscated by the King.

On the way home we managed to find the Cerne Giant, a huge drawing of a man drawn in chalk on the hillside near the town of Cerne Abbas.

It’s origin is unknown so it could be really ancient or just 400 years old ! Either way it is really something.

More adventures tomorrow.



  1. Glad you liked Sherborne - as I told you it was my home town for many years and I used to go to the Abbey with the school for carol concerts etc. Am amazed at the cost of a coffee in Australia if you think £4 is cheap - we usually go next door to the Pear Tree where it is slightly cheqaper than that and very good though possibly without the pub atmosphere! Glad too you discovered the Cerne Giant - he's amazing isn't he!!!

  2. One of things I really like about England is all the history and buildings. Australia doesnt have anything that old.

    Check out that gorgeous Abbey ceiling!

  3. What beautiful places. I do so love old buildings and history

  4. Beautiful architecture! Love your pictures.

  5. Beautiful fan vault ceiling. I am sure the giant evoked comment. We once had a hol in Dorset and were often in sight of the giant. I'm glad you are having a lovely time and it looks as though you might have got the chance to put your coats on.

  6. Is that giant really just "a drawing in chalk"? Wouldn't the rains of the centuries have washed it away by now. Please explain!
