Thursday, April 28, 2011


I had decided that I just didn't have time this month but at the last moment I just couldn't resist !!
Since this is a very last minute decision I've sifted through my photos, taken a few last minute ones and stretched the point with a couple too.

So here it is .......

My version of the April Photo Scavenger Hunt.

1.  a church

A beautiful old church down by the water in Cornwall

2. a cross

Found in the grounds of the above church - absolutely lovely and very old.

3. a sculpture

Not really a sculpture but will have to do - he lives in my tv room and is made of tin.
I love him!

4. a set of keys

Paino keys !! Made into an interesting coffee table !!!

5. an interesting shop name

6. April showers

Here they come !

7. breakfast

What more could an Aussie ask for ?

8. eggs

All that is left from Easter.

9. something to do with Shakespeare

Modern day Romeo and Juliette ???

10. something to do with St George's Day

A bit of a stretch here - St George was a slayer of dragons wasn't he?
Well this is a dragon Aussie style - a Water Dragon sunning himself on a fence post.
He was about 18 inches long !

11. something yellow

From my front garden

12. your camera

There you have it!

The suitcases are packed with far too much - but it's nice to have a bit of a choice in what you wear don't you think?

We'll be in touch.

Monday, April 25, 2011


ANZAC Day, April 25, is an important day for Australians.
From an early age we are taught to remember and honour Australian servicemen and women, and especially those tens of thousands of the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZACs ) who fought and died at Gallipoli in an ill-fated push against the Turks in World War 1.

The ANZACS landed at Gallipoli, Turkey, on April 25, 1915.

ANZAC Biscuits are traditional biscuits that were originally baked by anxious wives and mothers during World War I, packed in food parcels, and sent to the Australian soldiers in the trenches.

They can be crispy or slightly soft and chewy depending on how long you cook them but either way they are yummy.

Why not give them a try.

Recipe for Anzac Biscuits.

1 cup rolled oats
1 cup plain flour
1 cup sugar
¾ cup coconut
125g (4oz) butter
2 tablespoons golden syrup
½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1 tablespoon boiling water

1) Combine oats, sifted flour, sugar and coconut.

2) Combine butter and golden syrup, stir over gentle heat in a small saucepan until

3) Mix bicarbonate of soda with boiling water in a teacup. Add to melted butter mixture.
Pour into dry ingredients and stir.

4) Place tablespoonfuls of mixture on oven trays (for easy cleanup place a piece of
baking paper on the tray)

5) Cook in a slow oven for 20 minutes. Makes about 35.

6) Try and stop your family eating them while they are still warm and soft. ( mmmmmmm  !!! ) Once they are cool they will go harder and you can store them in a container.

Baking Anzac buiscuits on Anzac Day is just one of the ways we remember those brave men who have fought and died defending our freedom.

Lest we forget.


Sunday, April 24, 2011


We've had our day's rest so now its on to the next exciting adventure.

There's been a lot of action with the iron today ...
and the packing is well underway.

Tony is in charge of technology....

... cameras, cords, chargers and plugs.
He's checking off his list too !

Only 3 days to go!


Friday, April 22, 2011


Phew, the birthday celebrations are over and we are all exhausted !

The 90 year old enjoyed her two parties.

The first, on Friday,  was a family gathering with all the children and grandchildren and the menu featured

hot ham glazed with mustard and marmalade jam .....

accompanied by
smashed potatoes, cauliflower cheese, pumpkin fritatta, honey glazed carrots and baby peas.

It was all very tasty and very much appreciated by all.

It was then followed by this cake !

It presented quite a challenge to cut I can tell you.

Not to be deterred by all this food we assembled again on Saturday morning, for what the grandchildren termed the Fossil Morning tea !!

You'll see from the photos why they called it that !

That's the birthday girl at the head of the table.....
and this is today's birthday cake !

all made by her youngest grand daughter. 

These two did their bit talking to all their Nana's friends after she proudly introduced them round.

and it was nice for us to have them home together too !!

Nana thanks you all for your birthday wishes. She was thrilled to hear about them.


Thursday, April 21, 2011


I think we're ready for the big day.

The decorations are in place ....

The tables are set.

In the morning we'll open up the shutters and hang up all these balloons.

The Birthday Girl is very excited.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Instead of getting all of our clothes ready and preparing for our holiday in England we've been busy preparing for a party.
It's a very special party for Tony's mother.

Yes, she's turning   90   on Good Friday !

So today I've been making centre pieces for the tables.

It is so hard to photograph them in this light.

The dining room furniture has been moved out into the Garden Room .....

 ..... which is looking very bare without any plants.

We need to seat 18 - 20 so all available tables have been lined up ready.

and all the furniture from the Garden Room is now in the Dining Room - we'll serve welcome drinks and nibbles here (when it's all spruced up !).

This little table that Tony made from an old sewing machine will be the drinks table.

Still lots to do and two days to do it in !


Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Hello everybody.
It's been very busy around here lately and I haven't had much time for writing posts or comments
but I have been visiting you all and keeping up with your comings and goings.
I'll try to visit and leave a comment soon
We all lead busy lives don't we?

One of the things we've been doing is traveling down to the Gold Coast to Sally's place where we are trying to finish off her renovation.
It's about 70k mainly along a very good, 5 lane highway.

The speed limit along most of the way is 110kph

When the highway passes through an area with houses, high walls have been built along the edge of the road to minimize the noise problem. 

Sometimes they are made of wood and steel........

and sometimes of concrete- plain

or marked with decorative patterns........

and occasionally these panels have been made into murals.

You can see the whole decorating process

starting off with the background ....

then the detail is added.

We came upon this huge one of tree dwelling Australian Native animals.

See how clever this bit is? The real trees growing behind the wall complete the picture.

and native flora too.

Further along there's a jungle scene

with palm trees growing behind it.

Another scene depicted sugarcane growing.
( car speeding past pretty fast here !! )

I really like them.
They're clever and interesting and, for me, change what could be an eyesore
into a work of art.

So, which do you prefer ?

This ....

or this ?
