Friday, April 22, 2011


Phew, the birthday celebrations are over and we are all exhausted !

The 90 year old enjoyed her two parties.

The first, on Friday,  was a family gathering with all the children and grandchildren and the menu featured

hot ham glazed with mustard and marmalade jam .....

accompanied by
smashed potatoes, cauliflower cheese, pumpkin fritatta, honey glazed carrots and baby peas.

It was all very tasty and very much appreciated by all.

It was then followed by this cake !

It presented quite a challenge to cut I can tell you.

Not to be deterred by all this food we assembled again on Saturday morning, for what the grandchildren termed the Fossil Morning tea !!

You'll see from the photos why they called it that !

That's the birthday girl at the head of the table.....
and this is today's birthday cake !

all made by her youngest grand daughter. 

These two did their bit talking to all their Nana's friends after she proudly introduced them round.

and it was nice for us to have them home together too !!

Nana thanks you all for your birthday wishes. She was thrilled to hear about them.



  1. What a celebration! So glad it all went well and hope the clearing up and recovering won't take too long. Then you can get on to final arrangements for the next thing - your trip!!

    See you soon!


  2. Well done, this looks like a wonderful celebration with family, friends and food. :) The birthday girl looks younger than 90 from your photo. So glad it went well for you. Now you can look forward to your holiday.
    Anne xx

  3. Happy 90th Birthday to Nana! What a wonderful job you did with the two celebrations! She must have been just thrilled. Well done indeed.

  4. Hope you are all cleaned up and recuperating from all the festivities. Looks like a lovely time for all!

  5. Oh, my, what a fun fun birthday party. Adore the cupcake tree.

  6. What a spread! I'd have loved to have been there. Loved the ham and I adore cauliflower cheese. And that tea table! What a feast. I am so glad it went so marvellously well. Fossil indeed!
