Monday, April 25, 2011


ANZAC Day, April 25, is an important day for Australians.
From an early age we are taught to remember and honour Australian servicemen and women, and especially those tens of thousands of the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZACs ) who fought and died at Gallipoli in an ill-fated push against the Turks in World War 1.

The ANZACS landed at Gallipoli, Turkey, on April 25, 1915.

ANZAC Biscuits are traditional biscuits that were originally baked by anxious wives and mothers during World War I, packed in food parcels, and sent to the Australian soldiers in the trenches.

They can be crispy or slightly soft and chewy depending on how long you cook them but either way they are yummy.

Why not give them a try.

Recipe for Anzac Biscuits.

1 cup rolled oats
1 cup plain flour
1 cup sugar
¾ cup coconut
125g (4oz) butter
2 tablespoons golden syrup
½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1 tablespoon boiling water

1) Combine oats, sifted flour, sugar and coconut.

2) Combine butter and golden syrup, stir over gentle heat in a small saucepan until

3) Mix bicarbonate of soda with boiling water in a teacup. Add to melted butter mixture.
Pour into dry ingredients and stir.

4) Place tablespoonfuls of mixture on oven trays (for easy cleanup place a piece of
baking paper on the tray)

5) Cook in a slow oven for 20 minutes. Makes about 35.

6) Try and stop your family eating them while they are still warm and soft. ( mmmmmmm  !!! ) Once they are cool they will go harder and you can store them in a container.

Baking Anzac buiscuits on Anzac Day is just one of the ways we remember those brave men who have fought and died defending our freedom.

Lest we forget.



  1. Yes. On ANZAC Day it is right and proper to spare a thought or two for the lost ones - those mainly young men who had so much living to do. Children to father, dreams to strive for, women to kiss, beers to down. And have we learnt any lessons from that waste of life? Dream on. It's still happening. More lost young men. More graves. More tears.

  2. As our parents generation passes the youth today don't have any concept of WWI or even WWII. It's a shame that they don't realize or honor the sacrifices made by past generations so they have freedom today.

  3. Hello Sandy,
    I think that the young generation of Australians DO honour the soldiers who have lost their lives in wars. There has been a huge resurgance in attendance at dawn services here in Oz on ANZAC Day and lots of yound peolple are marching proudly with their fathers and grandfathers.

  4. What a fun filled informative posting. I so like learning about your history.

    What... it's time... I can't believe you will be on our way so soon. Will you be on English grounds for the big Royal Wedding. Or maybe, you are keeping it a secret and were invitied.

    Isn't it amazing just how many electronics we now have to pack to go on a trip. One suitcase for just that stuff.

    Can't wait to see you will exploring England.

    Safe Travels,

  5. The cookies look yummy! Thanks for sharing about ANZAC day and the history of it. Those who serve their country should be remembered and respected.

  6. Oh Helen when I visit your blog, the food makes my mouth water!
    You've had a busy time by the looks all the celebrations and family get togethers!
    Great isnt' it?
    Looks like you've had a great time,
    thanks for the kind comments,
    hugs suex
