Thursday, April 28, 2011


I had decided that I just didn't have time this month but at the last moment I just couldn't resist !!
Since this is a very last minute decision I've sifted through my photos, taken a few last minute ones and stretched the point with a couple too.

So here it is .......

My version of the April Photo Scavenger Hunt.

1.  a church

A beautiful old church down by the water in Cornwall

2. a cross

Found in the grounds of the above church - absolutely lovely and very old.

3. a sculpture

Not really a sculpture but will have to do - he lives in my tv room and is made of tin.
I love him!

4. a set of keys

Paino keys !! Made into an interesting coffee table !!!

5. an interesting shop name

6. April showers

Here they come !

7. breakfast

What more could an Aussie ask for ?

8. eggs

All that is left from Easter.

9. something to do with Shakespeare

Modern day Romeo and Juliette ???

10. something to do with St George's Day

A bit of a stretch here - St George was a slayer of dragons wasn't he?
Well this is a dragon Aussie style - a Water Dragon sunning himself on a fence post.
He was about 18 inches long !

11. something yellow

From my front garden

12. your camera

There you have it!

The suitcases are packed with far too much - but it's nice to have a bit of a choice in what you wear don't you think?

We'll be in touch.


  1. I love these scavenger hunt posts. The stone cross is so beautiful. Love your rooster too. If you ever get sick of him send him my way.

    I always over pack !How will you know what you'll want to wear when you get to the other side of the world? Better to pack everything...

  2. Your scavenger hunt photo posts are great.
    Have fun on your trip. I'm hopeless at packing I always take way too much, just in case.

  3. Glad you are all prepared but do make sure you have room for a couple of warm sweaters or jackets as it's chilly here now! Love your rooster.

  4. I love your photos and especially your quirky takes on some of them. :)
    Have wonderful time OS.
    Anne xx

  5. Very imaginative. I like the chicken. I have some sort of an iron chicken in my house too.

  6. Great "Shakespeare" didn't cheat as much as I did on that one! I can't resist this challenge each month, and seeing the photos where someone has "stretched" the point a bit is the best part!

  7. Well done, I love the water dragon!

    I still have a few photos to take, I haven't been a good scavenger this month, but I'll get them done and posted in time (I'll just be busy tomorrow!)

  8. Great photos, love how you interpreted a few of them!

  9. Have a fabulous time, looking forward to hearing where you get to x

  10. Seriously, right before you left....

    So, let me be the first you read when you check in from England. I know you can't keep away...
