Wednesday, March 30, 2011


It's time to post all the photos for the March Scavenger Hunt.
As usual I have enjoyed collecting them.

Some have posed quite a problem and required me to " think outside of the box" which , for me, has added to the fun.

So here they are :

1. a lion

Snapped on a visit to the British Museum in London.
This is the sort of place you need to keep returning to. There is so much to see and take in you could easily go into overload.
Taken in 2008

2. a rainbow

A rainbow of tulips blooming in the lovely garden of  a Chateau in the Loire Valley in France.
Taken in 2010.

3. something green  

Can you believe the colour of this water? It was bright green not the usual blue of Canadian lakes and crystal clear.
Taken near Jasper, Canada in 2007.

4. an empty chair

The dogs like it when you lie on the floor with them to watch TV so there is often an empty chair !!

5. something sentimental

 A real daffodil preserved forever - a gift from a favourite person

6. peeling paint

This took a lot of effort to find - finally found on Tony's trailer.
7. a collection

My teapot collection.

8. a ring

My wedding ring.
It will be 40 years old next January!!

9. a fancy gate

Outside the Louvre in Paris.
Taken in 2010

10. a shadow

our letterbox

11. something as old as you

Old currency made into a pendant .
I wear it when I'm overseas to show people my country of origin.
12. a lamb

Now, this ewe could hardly be mother to all four of these lambs could she?
Her real child is staking his claim by lying on top of her!
Don't think he wants to share !!!
Taken near Broadway, England 2008

Well there it is.
I'm looking forward to next month's scavenger hunt.

Monday, March 28, 2011


There's something not quite right in my ensuite bathroom.
Something that I've been meaning to improve for some time.
Can you spot it?

Yes that's it.
The tissue box needs a cover.

That's better.


Friday, March 25, 2011


It seems ages since I joined in the fun of Favourite Things Friday with Mrs Pyjamas and the gang.
Click on the link on my sidebar and join in if you wish.

OK, so I know you'll think my favourite thing this week is peculiar but here goes anyway!

This week my favourite thing is.........

My calendar

It's just an ordinary calendar......

.... a free one given out each year from my local Chemist.

But it is one of my most valuable possessions.

No fancy shmancy diaries for me!
I've tried them but they are always somewhere else when you need them  .......

  in my other handbag,

on the car seat,

at home

at the other end of the house .....

or ...... lost !

My calendar has a little box for each day where I can organise my life.

Pretty Aussie scenes on the front too!

It lives right here on my desk

and I couldn't live without it !


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


It will be five weeks tomorrow until we leave for our holiday in England.
I've been watching the weather over there and hoping it doesn't warm up too much before we get there.
(It seems to be much warmer than usual for this time of year???)
Spring certainly seems to be arriving quickly in most parts of England and it is such a pretty time.
It's lovely to see the countryside wake up and come alive once more.

Taken near Ansty, April 2008

When we were last in England in 2008 we arrived on the 1st April and the weather was quite cold with no leaves on the trees and the daffodils blooming.( No jacket, I know, but it was around 8 degrees and warm in the car. Just a quick photo ! )

Stourhead Garden, April 2008

It is all so different to what we experience here and May is such a pretty time there.

Preparations have been quietly progressing.
New passports have been applied for and photographs taken - actually more like mugshots!

Mine has already arrived.

and look how pretty it is inside.

Each double page has a pale printed background....

featuring iconic symbols of Australia.

Can't wait to start using it ! ! !


Friday, March 18, 2011


When you wake up on a Saturday morning to weather like this.......

..... you plan your activities to suit the weather.

It's a great time to fertilise the grass with the rain to water it in.

It's a good time to stew up those end of season peaches that are not so good to eat fresh but are lovely with yoghurt or cream for dessert.

But when even Dash can't be coaxed outside .....

and there's a batch of fruit scones just out of the oven...

...... it's time to settle down with the Saturday papers.

Look who's visiting.

A very much appreciated visit from a well loved Royal.

Past the awful news from Japan ....
and on to the travel section ...

My favourite !

Queensland holiday destinations back after battles with cyclones and floods.

Or perhaps an overseas destination appeals more.

 I have to say they hold more appeal for me.

Then there are always travel documentaries on TV to while away the hours.

Very relaxing !
