Friday, March 25, 2011


It seems ages since I joined in the fun of Favourite Things Friday with Mrs Pyjamas and the gang.
Click on the link on my sidebar and join in if you wish.

OK, so I know you'll think my favourite thing this week is peculiar but here goes anyway!

This week my favourite thing is.........

My calendar

It's just an ordinary calendar......

.... a free one given out each year from my local Chemist.

But it is one of my most valuable possessions.

No fancy shmancy diaries for me!
I've tried them but they are always somewhere else when you need them  .......

  in my other handbag,

on the car seat,

at home

at the other end of the house .....

or ...... lost !

My calendar has a little box for each day where I can organise my life.

Pretty Aussie scenes on the front too!

It lives right here on my desk

and I couldn't live without it !



  1. Not peculiar at all - favourites are usually the most obvious things. Love your calendar and the perfect cost!

  2. The calendar that hangs in our kitchen looks much like yours. It's the only way to keep track of daily activities for both my husband and I. One difference on mine, it says leave for Australia!

  3. There's only one calendar in out house, it's on the fridge and Mum writes on it, but I'm a bit vague really. I have a diary that I've written in any TV shows I need to download but that's as good as I've gotten. I just show up and hope for the best, usually.

  4. those are beautiful scenes, Helen!

    I am attached to my calendar, too - it hangs on our refrigerator - but with three kids I think I need bigger blocks!

    just saw your countdown to holiday - have a great trip!

  5. Heck, you are busy! You have engagements nearly every day! Hitman??? CWA meeting. What's CWA I wonder.
    I see you are travelling on the actual day of the Royal Wedding. Will you set it to record?
    I have a calendar at home, one at work which I don't write in half the time then get annoyed when clients turn un 'unexpectedly' as I think, because I haven't written them in. I have a diary I sometimes write in. A lot gets kept in my head but that's unreliable.

  6. One of my favourite things too Helen. I'd be lost without some record of where I'm supposed to be , whats going on and who I'm meant to be seeing!

    I love to be organised...

  7. I think finding the right calendar for the year is such a challenge. For me it's like finding the right purse/handbag. I start looking early in November. Didn't find one to my liking until the beginning of Feb. And now, I still don't like it. Pickie-Pickie.

    Weekend Wishes,

    Glad to have you back.

  8. My calendar is a filofax (does anyone knows the movie "filofax" with Jim Belushi???) it´s PINK and I love it soooo much!!! Every year there are new sheets to buy. Yummy.

    Oh - beautiful calendar with lovely scenes!

    Liebe Grüße
    von Anja

  9. I love calendars, they are such useful things and yours looks well used. Beautiful pictures too.

  10. Who was it who sang...I love my little calendar girl? Must have been Tony!

  11. I don't need a calender because I don't do anything !

  12. I use our desk calendar all the time too, I'd be lost without it. I did try the diary in the bag once but thats where it always stays and I forget to write in it :-) PS Have a great holiday in the UK!

  13. We have to have a calendar so that both my OH and myself can see what each other is doing.Not so necessary when we were working but now we are retired absolutely crucial.

  14. I have tried every type of calendar experience, I am happy now with my iphone as I can sync it to my computer and I always have it with me. I have tried having the calendar on the fridge so everyone knows where I am what I am doing, what we are all doing but no body looks at it but me. My hubby always complains that I never tell him where I am going but I use to tell him but he always forgets, and still says that I don't tell him so I just have given up and tell him the day before or a bit earlier if it is a real inconvenience to him. But I need some form of diary as I just forget stuff if it isn't in the the phone calendar.

  15. Wow is your calendar full! You are one busy lady. :o) The photos are just beautiful. I use a calendar that was given to me after I kept a neighbor's pet over the holidays. It's photos of Savannah, GA.

    Great favourite. Thanks for sharing. Happy FTF! :o)

  16. What's wrong with Outlook?? That's my standby.
