Wednesday, March 23, 2011


It will be five weeks tomorrow until we leave for our holiday in England.
I've been watching the weather over there and hoping it doesn't warm up too much before we get there.
(It seems to be much warmer than usual for this time of year???)
Spring certainly seems to be arriving quickly in most parts of England and it is such a pretty time.
It's lovely to see the countryside wake up and come alive once more.

Taken near Ansty, April 2008

When we were last in England in 2008 we arrived on the 1st April and the weather was quite cold with no leaves on the trees and the daffodils blooming.( No jacket, I know, but it was around 8 degrees and warm in the car. Just a quick photo ! )

Stourhead Garden, April 2008

It is all so different to what we experience here and May is such a pretty time there.

Preparations have been quietly progressing.
New passports have been applied for and photographs taken - actually more like mugshots!

Mine has already arrived.

and look how pretty it is inside.

Each double page has a pale printed background....

featuring iconic symbols of Australia.

Can't wait to start using it ! ! !



  1. Passports are definitely prettier then they used to be. Kiddo's has all kinds of pretty backgrounds in it. It has to be hard to wait, the 5 weeks must seem like forever.

  2. Sounds so exciting...I love getting ready for a big trip!!

  3. You'll find May is very much different to April.
    Many trees and shrubs are now in bud and will suddenly transform the landscape. I noticed Hawthorn hedges in leaf yesterday and the Horse Chestnut buds (sticky buds) are just bursting for 'the off'. You have, I think, chosen the best month for a visit.

  4. If the weather is anything like now it will be wonderful! Sun shining but not hot at all although we did sit out with a coffee yesterday. May is the lovliest of months and if it is dry (or even if it there are showers!) I know you will love it here at that time of year - I certainly do! Let me know if you have a spare moment in your schedule won't you?

  5. Compared to our British passports (v. boring), yours are lovely!

  6. How exciting, I imagine you're crossing the days off in your calendar! Our weather does what it likes, we've had searing hot temperatures in April and the heating on in August before so who knows. May does tend to be one of the best months though so fingers crossed and here's hoping!

  7. Helsie: There will still be daffodils in higher or cooler places and there will be bluebells in their droves. (I had my first garden daffs today) If you see any orchards - which you should as you go through Herefs - they will be all in blossom. I think it's a fantastic time for flowers - and their smells! - and birdsong and for sunshine it's as likely as any month. Probably more likely than July or August. On sunny days you get a lovely misty light at about 8pm and the air seems to go quiet. Definitely the best time to go.

  8. How exciting Helen! No wonder you can't wait to be using the new passport. Love the picture of Ansty - we live about 10 minutes drive from there! I acutally hope it is a bit warmer in five weeks time, purely for selfish reasons of course, it seems to have been a long dark cold winter!!!! I bet even our heatwave won't be as hot as Australia! x

  9. Your passport contains iconic Australian images? Is there a page with Rolf Harris playing a didgeridoo? A jar of Vegemite? I hope you have a lovely time in England again and that our unpredictable weather is kind for you.

  10. I can't wait to see all the post from Merry Old England from you!

    My passport photo is akin to a prison photo. It's pretty bad!

  11. How exciting. I hope we get to see what you see in ongoing blog posts about your adventures!
