Wednesday, March 30, 2011


It's time to post all the photos for the March Scavenger Hunt.
As usual I have enjoyed collecting them.

Some have posed quite a problem and required me to " think outside of the box" which , for me, has added to the fun.

So here they are :

1. a lion

Snapped on a visit to the British Museum in London.
This is the sort of place you need to keep returning to. There is so much to see and take in you could easily go into overload.
Taken in 2008

2. a rainbow

A rainbow of tulips blooming in the lovely garden of  a Chateau in the Loire Valley in France.
Taken in 2010.

3. something green  

Can you believe the colour of this water? It was bright green not the usual blue of Canadian lakes and crystal clear.
Taken near Jasper, Canada in 2007.

4. an empty chair

The dogs like it when you lie on the floor with them to watch TV so there is often an empty chair !!

5. something sentimental

 A real daffodil preserved forever - a gift from a favourite person

6. peeling paint

This took a lot of effort to find - finally found on Tony's trailer.
7. a collection

My teapot collection.

8. a ring

My wedding ring.
It will be 40 years old next January!!

9. a fancy gate

Outside the Louvre in Paris.
Taken in 2010

10. a shadow

our letterbox

11. something as old as you

Old currency made into a pendant .
I wear it when I'm overseas to show people my country of origin.
12. a lamb

Now, this ewe could hardly be mother to all four of these lambs could she?
Her real child is staking his claim by lying on top of her!
Don't think he wants to share !!!
Taken near Broadway, England 2008

Well there it is.
I'm looking forward to next month's scavenger hunt.


  1. WHat a lovely mixture.
    I love all the different greens in the lake one.
    Love the gate and the colours in the tulips and the teapots. (Did we see these before?)
    Sheep can have 4 lambs. If she doesn't want any of them, I know who does!

  2. My favourite is the rainbow. Way to think outside the square on that one!

  3. I love the rainbow and the daffodil - very unusual! I struggled to find peeling paint too!

    I struggled with one, I lost about ten days of the month stressing over an interview so had less time to go scavenging, as I take all the pictures in the month, rather than using what I already have!

    I've made a list of all the blogs I know that are taking part and added them as links to a new page on my blog. your blog is included, hope that's ok!

    If you want to have a nosy, it's a tab, just under my blog header.

    I look forward to seeing your post next time :)

  4. I've enjoyed looking at these photos very much Helen.
    40 years next year, a long time...
    Hugs suex

  5. Good job. I knew you could do it. Only you could find a lamb. That one would be hard. I do so enjoy all your pictures. Out of here Saturday, taking a break from packing for two week trip...yuck...trying to get all in one bag. Will be posting from the beaches of Clearwater.

  6. Looks like a successful hunt! The rainbow is my favorite, but I like the labms too!

  7. That lamb has brought his friends to play ! The water is a superb colour, sometimes in a local river the water looks brown after heavy rain as pushed mud from the river bank.
    I like your half penny - from a whole Penny !

  8. Great photos, Helsie! I enjoyed seeing them all. It's marvelous you could find all of these for your treasure hunt.

  9. Thanks for visiting me! Your dogs look like a right old soppy pair!
    Hope you enjoy your trip to England when you come to visit.
    Lisa x

  10. Thanks so much for dropping by my site :) You have done well with your lovely choices. Your teapot collection is super, and love the lambs. Your rainbow field of tulips is amazing ~ loved all the photos :)... and congrats on your special upcoming anniversary next year.

  11. Aah, your lamb photo is just too cute. I love your rainbow of tulips too. x

  12. I loved all your photos, what a job finding just the right one for each category! The rainbow was my favorite. Or maybe the lamb. I don't know, they're all fun.

  13. Hi Helen,
    A bit off the subject but I thought you might like to see this bit from Anne in Oxfordshire about Oxford covered market?

    Worth a visit. :)

  14. Thanks so much for your comments Helen on the Royal wedding Blanket,
    hugs suex

  15. Hey Sweetie -

    Not to worry, Scott comes down on Friday for 10 days. He needed to be at work this week. Plus, it's nice for me to have a few days before his whole family gathering {28}. Looks like I'll spend it getting over this last Chicago cold I appear to have gotten the day before I left.

    One more book I thought that should have been on the list.

    A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

    It's a classic old one from the States that is a must read. Of course, our list could go on. Both of us are pretty avid readers, Scott just started younger than I. I was too busy running around as a kid to sit still and read. I know that's hard to phathom.....he-he....

    Margaret greeted me with THE HELP yesterday and I can't wait to start it by the pool today.

    Can't wait to see all your England pictures. We really do need to venture out on our travels more. But, we seem to be in visit the "Senior Parent" mode.

    Ta-ta for now,
