Thursday, April 7, 2011


To many of you this photo may not be very exciting....
but if you lived here and for years had put up with big cracks in your back yard or, at best, brown grass you might get as excited as we do when we look at our lawn !!!

This Summer with regular rain has meant that we have lush, green lawn.
Oh, of course, that means it needs to be mowed more often but doesn't it look GREAT !

Finally there seems to be a hint of Autumn in the air and the cooler days ( 25C ) and nights ( 17C ) has meant the Grevilleas in our backyard are full of buds.

And when these flowers appear .....

they attract the Lorikeets - my favourites!

This morning I could hear them in the bushes but seeing them was difficult, even though they are so brightly coloured.
Do you want to play Spot the Birdie?

Can you spot one hiding here?

Here it is !

It's much easier this time.

They chatter, screech and squabble with eachother the whole time - no pretty chirping or singing from these I'm afraid.

We are enjoying a last spot of colour from these till the weather warms up again.

and this new agave seems happy in this spot.

With the wattles, the grevilleas and the bottlebrushes, I often think we have more flowers in Autumn and Winter than we do in Spring and Summer !

and I love the cooler weather !
We're heading towards my favourite time of year.



  1. Super photos.You are so lucky to have these wonderful things in your garden.We are having some good weather at the moment.We are in Cambridge,grandparenting, at the moment and it was the hottest place in the UK yesterday at 23 degrees.

  2. Your photos so remind me of Autumns spent with my son in his Sydney garden.

  3. So, the green grass I get with the freshly mowed stripes. But that beautiful tree and all your flowers I have never ever seen. Then you go and show us this bird. I am simply amazed that one of these is just flying around in your yard. We can only see cardnial and sparrow at home. What a treat it must be to look out your window in the morning with a cuppa and spot one of these. I for one would never be putting my camera down.

    TTFN, Ta-ta for Now,

  4. Beautiful pictures Helen. Im enjoying temps of 25-29 C here and loving it. I love those warm autumn days.

  5. Beautiful pictures. I can see why you like autumn, it's beautiful there. Enjoy!

  6. What lovely colours. It all looks so exotic. Fancy having birds like that visiting your garden.
    Actually I do get excited about green grass because it usually means the days of carrying hay are at an end. Well, field grass is exciting. The lawn in the garden is always some shade of green, just a bit duller and greyer in the winter, but always green.

  7. I used to have a garden like that! - I do miss the birds!!
    Oh for some cooler weather. Great photos Helen, tell Tony his lawn sure is looking good!

  8. What beautiful parakeets!!! Stunningly colourful flowers too! Your lawn is looking great. Ours amy get plenty of rain to keep it green, but it is constantly churned up by Oscar!!! have great week. Ros
