Thursday, October 14, 2010


If you ever asked me what my favourite colour is, my immediate answer would be GREEN .

Any shade of green really.

but when it comes to a combination of colours
I absolutely LOVE, love, LoVe

BLUE and Yellow

I don't know what it is but these two colours just sing to me.

Where ever I go my eye is immediately attracted to blue and yellow flowers.

 and this is my all time favourite flower.

My first quilt was blue and yellow, ....

the flowers in my bedroom are ..... and yellow !

My clever SIL made this sweet mosaic birdhouse for me in.... and yellow !

and I've just bought this little stash ...

for my own little crochet rug.

So though my favourite colour is green
my favourite combination is blue and yellow.

Why don't you join me here for some other Favourite Things.



  1. What a visual feast you have given us today Helsie. Thank you. The mosaic birdhouse is lovely, such beautiful work.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Wonderful photographs! Blue is my favorite color, but blue and yellow would have to be my favorite color combination too. That was the color of my wedding (blue bridesmaid gowns with yellow roses as the flowers). I'm working on my first blue and yellow quilt. Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. What beautiful photographs! I'm very partial to green myself. And, I've made two blue and yellow quilts. It is a wonderful color combination. I can see why these are your favorites.

  4. I love blue and yellow together too, especially blue and yellow flowers, or yellow flowers against a bright blue sky.
    I love your quilt and the mosaic birdhouse is adorable,
    Looking forward to seeing what you make with the yummy yarns.

  5. Blue and Yellow were made for each other! Lovely photos Helsie, brightened my morning! x

  6. Wow! Beautiful post Helsie! Love the colours together and that little mosaic in green is fab. I would be hard put to choose a favourite colour or scheme but it might be blue and green together or sharp pink and orange both of which schemes I love but nature has some stunning combinations doesn't she?


  7. Lovely photos. Personally I am partial to lime green as well as hot pink. Yellow and Blue is such a classic combo though.

  8. I love Iris's and that birdhouse is so cute!!

  9. gorgeous flowers, they are one of my favourite things also, the wool looks delicious, you will have to show us the rug.

  10. I notice you put the blue and yellow combi on your banner too, looks so cheerful.

  11. I love love your quilt! i am hoping i can learn to quilt, but i am going to start small. the blue and yellow is so pretty together love all of your photos

  12. Beautiful! Your quilt is so lovely. The blues and yellows definitely have a vibrant, yet calming effect. It makes your room so inviting. Thanks so much for sharing! :o) Happy FTF! :o)

  13. That flower meadow is beautiful, and so is the quilt. I like blue and yellow too and think they are the perfect combination in a kitchen. Blue and yellow when mixed together make green of course!

  14. With warm climates, a blue and yellow is wonderful. Love the quilt....your first quilt was a monster!
    Wonderful pics...

  15. Yea, ditto! I'm a blue and yellow lover too. Our Master Bedroom/Bath is done in those shades. Your quilt is very pretty! Isn't it nice when you can make something yourself. The trees are starting to change is getting cooler. We even have had the heat on a few times. We got our painting done on the front of the house and now are waiting for the landscaper to start our step and sidewalk project. I'm on my own today...hubby is at a model train show. And I don't plan to do anything but watch some TV, maybe a good movie, crochet and blog! It's great being retired!

  16. Ooh! I was so close to going for "Green" this week as well then decided to leave it for another time! I've never thought of a colour combination before, I'll have to mull that over. Lovely quilt, can't believe you went for something that ambitious for your first attempt. Well done.

  17. That quilt is gorgeous! Those colors are perfect for my bedroom... hint, hint.

    This is such a lovely, visual post!

  18. wow, you made that quilt? that's amazing. What a lot of work must have gone into it. I also love blue and yellow but am finding myself increasingly drawn to pink with green. Isn't it nice to get so happy about such simple things!

  19. Lovely! green was my school uniform colour and I hated it for many years, then when I was 36, I bought a bottle green top with a black beaded trim and I was in love with green after all those years!

  20. That's one of the most visually stunning posts I ever seen, I love it all. Your first quilt is just beautiful. This just gave me a new appreciation for blue and yellow colour combos!

    Thanks for sharing this.

    PS Is the flower bed at your house? Jealous.
