Friday, October 15, 2010


As many of you ( gosh 20 comments!) loved the big display of blue and yellow flowers from yesterday's post I thought I would just tell you a little more about them.
In 2008 Tony and I had a three month holiday in England.
It was the best holiday we have ever had.
We stayed in lovely little cottages for two or three weeks at a time in those delightful little villages that England is so famous for. ( sorry about the preposition at the end of the sentence but that's how I speak !!!)
We explored England pretty thoroughly in those three months.
This huge area of wildish type flowers was in London's Battersea Park, an absolutely delightful haven of green not far from the Chelsea bridge.
It was June and very warm in London and we were about to come home ( reluctantly ) and still everywhere we looked there was something wonderful to see.

One day soon we'll return to continue our love affair with England.

Enjoy the weekend.


  1. I love blue and yellow too, especially in the garden. Two things I've tried are planting delphiniums and yellow lilies together, and trying to get blue morning glories to grow up sunflower stalks. No success yet. The gophers wiped out the delphiniums in their second year, when the conditions were otherwise perfect for a simultaneous bloom. The morning glories came up too soon and wandered around looking for something to climb, by the time the sunflowers were tall enough they'd given up. But can't you just imagine how wonderful this will be if I'm ever successful?

  2. Beautiful! And what lovely memories too. I'm glad you've continued the blue and yellow theme today. :-)

  3. Gorgeous photos and just stunning for your blog header! I've always wanted to visit England. Hubby made one business trip abroad and stopped in London briefly.

  4. Oh I do hope you will come back one day soon! It's amazing how much beauty we have here even in the middle of the city isn't it and I know how much you like our countryside too. Glad you have so many happy memories - I'd love to hear more about your long holiday sometime.


  5. Hurry back Helen, I have so much to show you!

  6. One of the lovely things about England is it's utter contrast to Australia.

    And again the flowers are stunning.
