Thursday, August 5, 2010


Today I was reading here on Kim's blog about the lovely new tea cosy she has made for her camper.
She created a clever design with two rectangles of crochet.
I've just received a teacosy from my clever SIL which has such a simple design.
Hers is made of squares !

First she knitted two large squares - ablue one and a yellow one - then sewed them together leaving room for the handle and the spout.

She decorated the top with several smaller squares in matching colours.

 How simple is that ?

Here are a few more of her creations.



and the mice and cheese!!



  1. They are absolutely wonderful. I love your your blue and yellow one made with squares.
    Julie xxxxxxx

  2. She is very clever, I hope she has a lot of teapots!
    I like the little mouse bottom!
    Thank you for your comment about photos on blogger-I will try that.

  3. How wonderful! Love the simple squares one though I notice she has made the squares on the diagonal to give it that extra je ne sais quoi and the colours go so well together too.

    Jane x

  4. Helsie, thanks for the hint about the photos on Blogger-it worked a treat!!

  5. Hey Helen! You have one sweet SIL, and talented too! I couldn't possibly pick a favorite - they are all special;0)

  6. Oh my you are lucky Helen!!! Love the simplicity of the square one is made, but how lovely it comes up. Have a bit of fancy for the chook one too, and I'm not generally a chook-decorator lover :-)

  7. Very talented lady. I rather like the one with the mice :-)

  8. OMG! I'll have to go out and buy a teapot now! We don't use one!
    I love the chooks one, but i Love the simplicity of the square one. How easy would that be? Beautiful idea. I love them all.
    Kim made a wonderful job of hers, nice little project for a week away!
    Thanks Helen for sharing with us.
    Have you seen the crocheted car thats going around the blogs?
    Love Suex

  9. She's a very clever lady and has done some lovely cosys. Hope you enjoyed the cherries, I'm sure you did!

  10. Helen, just caught up and what a surprise! thank you for the mention! Your SIL is very talented - I love the one with the chicks on especially but they are all lovely!!! I will let you into a secret I will reveal on my blog this week - the day after I finished the tea cosy hubby and I were admiring it in all its glory and suddenly the spout fell off!!!!!! hehe! so now I have to find a teapot to match the cosy!!! xxx

  11. Just popping by again to say many thanks for your kind comment on my most recent post. Yes it was a hard life for my mother I think and I am only now realising just how difficult it must have been for her - pity it's too late to let her know how much I appreciated her eh?! And yes my childhood was very very different to my daughter's - we have 3 toilets now and all indoors too!!!!

    Jane x

  12. Lovely post! A tea cosy is next on my to-do-list!
