Monday, August 9, 2010


Look at this !
A little pile of circles!

I'm making Attic24 Granny Squares.

or I should say trying to !

Still having a bit of trouble with the outside row.

( sorry for the flash - it's quite late at night )

Thought I would try to make a cushion cover as a learning project.



  1. Your granny squares are looking so pretty! They will make a lovely seat cover. We have three days of traveling so I've been crocheting in the truck quite a lot. Even over the bumpy Alaska Hwy I can still crochet. As I work my granny squares I'm thinking about the different ways to do the edging. I love changing colors so I never get tired of the granny squares (although sewing in the ends is a bear). I told my hubby it's August and I haven't worn any shorts yet this summer. It's been cooler up here in Canada and Alaska. We'll be home in less than a month. That will seem strange after being away so long. How's your winter going? Keep crocheting!

  2. Are you putting 2 chains at each corner? Sometimes this helps???? worth a try, you can always undo it if you don't like it!

  3. Looks good to me - you'll probably find the next round easier as you will be able to find the corners better especialy if you do 2 chain at each corner as suggested by Lyn.

    Good luck and let us see the finished cushion cover won't you?


  4. They look great Helsie!!..i am doing the same..also from Attic 24...cant decide on the colors of the yarn..patterns..sizes ect...have spent the whole Sunday trying them out and dont know which one i will pick to make a blanket or so......i will put them on my blog this Friday i hope..i like your choice of must go on!! will be an awesome pillow...i chain two in the corners too..and two dc in the middle instead of 3..only in the corners 3 chain 3...I wonder howmany woman are crochetting the Granny squares right becomes very modern again...and not only with Granny` luck for the next 100 or so...greetings Francien.

  5. Hi Helen, I have seen these are hexagons, which look fabulous.
    I have a throw on my chair made by my Granma more than 30 years ago. I had to replace a few recently and struggled to make them exactly the same as she did.

  6. Hi Helen: Lucy at Attic24 really does some beautiful work. I have the same pattern saved for the future. Thanks for stopping by today. I can see you understand about the flood warnings here in Florida. Just keep your fingers crossed!

  7. Helen well done! they are looking really good keep on practising and you will be whizzing them up without really thinking. x

  8. Heavens there really is no stopping you now. It's looking great!

  9. You go girl. I'm totally impressed and thrilled you have join all of us in the crazy world of yarn and hooks. You are doing wonderful. Love your color choices. So, are you building up a stash yet?...he-he.... Welcome to our world, remember we just have to save some of those pennies for traveling. Yarn and Travel, that's all I need.

    Hook on-
    Kate - T.G.B.

  10. Wow, you are doing well with those granny squares. It shouldn't take long for you to get into the swing of it. They are looking fabulous.

  11. From my observation it is going to take a mighty long time to create a blanket. Good effort though, guess I can put up with the cursing for a while longer !

  12. Don't take any notice of him anyone. If he's not careful I won't share my blanket with him (if I ever get there !!!)

  13. Let Tony freeze next winter when its even colder and the blanket is so warm and cuddly ☺
    Fantastic work, Helen, a blanket will be ready by next winter at the pace you are working. Watch out, next thing will be hooking through the summer ☺

  14. OMG! I can't believe how you have come on!
    it was only the other week you made your first square, and now look at you! you've now joined us all,
    Congratulations dear Helen.
    Hugs Suex

  15. I'm so jealous... I can't crochet for a darn.
    I see the hubsters is putting his 2 cents worth in! haha

  16. you are doing a wonderful job with your crochet, lovin it so far, can't wait to see the finished project!
