Wednesday, August 4, 2010


These beautiful cherries have come all the way from America to me, me, me!

I think they are one of life's treasures.

The weather has turned cool again with cold nights (6 to 8 degrees) and cool, sunny days (around 20 to 23 ) so we are having a last spurt of lovely Winter weather.

Time for some of these ...

and these ....

and this ( pumpkin )...

and roast beef for dinner tonight.



  1. Sweet Helen, thanks for stopping by. Earlier this year I crocheted a big blanket for my husband and even with the ac working full blast it was terribly warm. Delicious treats you have displayed there. Enjoy a wonderous dinner!

  2. Did Kate send them Helen?
    I'm okay,thanks for the concern.
    I'm loving it, loving it!!
    Looks like you will have a full house tonight, everyone is visiting you again,
    'aren't we ladies?
    Hugs Suex

  3. Cherries are one of my favourites you would never have guessed from my name would you?

  4. Yes, Helen, I think it would be something to see the blanket pictures with sweet Mrs Twins up a tree. Ouch! I neglected to ask yesterday, how did you prepare the pumpkin for dinner? Take care Helen....

  5. Oh Helen, thanks. I just read your June 16, 2010, posting on pumpkin. Right now you couldn't find a fresh pumpkin if your life depended on it. However, this fall I will plan on making roast pumpkin to serve with dinner. Otherwise, I've made pumpkin cheesecake, pancakes, muffins and loads of pumpkin bread. I send the breads out as little holiday gifts. One last question, is that some sort of pumpkin puree (looks almost like mashed potatoes). Looks yummmmmmmy!

  6. Enjoy your cherries! And this year, I will enjoy the pumpkin in ways other than pie, thanks to you!
    Have a great weekend and enjoy those cooler temperatures..

  7. Mmmm.... I love a nice bowl of cherries. They look so lovely too. All those nice tasty summer veggies too. MMMMMMM!!!!!!
