Thursday, July 1, 2010


1. We are so enjoying Winter here that Dreamworld ( our version of Disneyland ) is manufacturing snow for the kids who are presently at the beach on school holidays.
Lots of Queensland kids have never seen real snow so instead of going to the beach to swim in the surf they can go and play in the man-made snow.

2. On the next page in today's paper is this story about a kookaburra.

It was photographed recently in the wild with this child's stuffed knitted toy in its mouth.

3. And finally, a progress report on my crochet class.
I've found working on the foundation chain very difficult but...

double crochet is going OK with a slight tension problem.

Experimenting with a double crochet edge.

and treble ( only the navy blue bit is my work ) around this granny square is going well.

So progress is being made.
 I'm practising and coming to grips with it a bit better and soon I'll be doing granny squares.

I'd better hurry up or Winter will be finished !



  1. Love that kookaburra with the teddy reminded me of our cat who went out and came back with one just like that from somewhere!

    Glad the crochet is progressing well but hope the winter won't be over too soon as it will mean ours is beginning and we don't want that again yet as we do get REAL snow along with ice and darkness!!


  2. That snow doughnut thing looks fun!
    Like the kookaburra with its toy. We have this thing about magpies here - that they are supposed to steal people's things, especially jewels and valuables. I don't know if they really do it.
    The crochet looks nice too. Glad you are finding armchair things to occupy yourself in your "cold" weather!

  3. Love the Kookaburra! Glad the crochet is coming along.
    Julie xxxxxx

  4. I can't believe just how far you have come along and so fast. I know what you are talking about with the non-hook hand. That's the key to the whole thing really. It's getting the yarn entwined properly and the tension. Once you have mastered that you will be off and running. But, seriously,you are doing wonderful, each picture here shows just on quickly you are catching on.

    Keep it up, my friend,

  5. Well, I'm impressed with your stitches! I've tried and tried to crochet, but, it always winds up a disaster! Someday I'll have to be brave and put pictures up of my "projects".
    I've decided I'm a much better quilter than crocheter.
    Keep up the good work!

  6. You have winter and we are suppose to have Summer here in Washington state.................seems so odd for me...anyways good luck on the new yarn project. Looks like fun. XO MARY

  7. It's looking good Helsie. GB is right it's all about the tension in the non hook hand, but all you need is a bit of practice!
    Louise x

  8. Thank you my friends for all of your encouragement.

  9. your doing a great job on the crochet, keep the good work and cant wait to see your granny.

  10. Doing fantastic with the crochet!!!! I much prefer going around and around than doing lines of crochet. I still have difficulty with the first straight row. As a knitter, I use my non-hook hand similiar to knitting - by looping around my pinky for tension - hope that might be a help for you too

  11. Congrats Helsie on your crocheting! It looks great. I'm a leftie crocheting rightie. I don't hold the yard in my non-hook hand like many do with the index finger sticking up in the air. Just couldn't do it. And I couldn't wrap it around my fingers either. I just hold the yard where it is comfortable for me and it seems to work. You will love doing granny much more fun than a foundation row. I'm still working on my "Crazy Colors" throw...almost half way through row 9 of 12. It just takes practice, practice and more practice.

  12. Oh dear helsie,
    We are all so proud of you!
    I do hope you are enjoying it too
    Really lovely work, well done to you!
    Love Suex

  13. Oh dear. I was busy publishing a comment you left on my blog just now, and I got an error message. When I went back to the comments, there were none there so it seems to have been lost. I am sorry. Thought I had better explain, in case you went there and found it hadn't been published and wondered why not.
    Nice to see you back!

  14. What a charming little blog. Well done!
