Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Here is an extract from todays paper (the Courier Mail )

"BRISBANE residents have woken up to a bleak morning with showers and grey skies adding to the piercing chill.

The Bureau of Meteorology's Peter Otto said the showers came in from the northwest overnight but should start to disappear over the next few hours.
"The pattern we've got is for conditions to dry out over the next several hours," he said.
But while the clouds are set to vanish, the cold is staying put.
"We should see a clearer morning tomorrow and colder temperatures," Mr Otto said.
Early morning temperatures on the weekend are forecast to reach double digits with 13C the low and a maximum of 17C on Saturday."

So today the temperature hovered around 13 degrees all day and the citizens of Brisbane shivered and told eachother how cold it was!!
I  LOve  it !
I'm searching through my clothes and pulling out the stuff with long sleeves.

I'm trying on jackets ......

.....and cardigans
.....and boots !!!

Yippee !!

Better hurry and wear all the wintery stuff
 'cos it doesn't last long !

 PS. If you follow this link you will see more photos of the whales that are off the Gold Coast ( our fantastic  holiday beaches ) about 60km east of Brisbane.


  1. 13 deg? That's verging on warm over here!! My husband's just got back from Perth where the temperature got down to -0.5 at night but then up to 17 the next morning. That's quite a change.

  2. I was all set for the cold today, had my winter woolies already and then the sun came out and it was 23 deg at lunchtime in Noosa. Still wore my boots though.

  3. We're sweltering here in the UK at present. Well, sweltering fou us, that is! I love it hot! Fab whale photos. Enjoy the chilly weather, Ros

  4. I'm with Harmony and Rosie on this one 13 degrees wouldn't see us reaching for our boots we'd just slip on a cardigan over our summer clothes!! Isn't it great that via the medium of blogging we can learn about each others weather and preferences and customs etc? Vive le difference I say and we would find your summer temperatures unbearable I dare say!


  5. Im glad others have commented because I was thinking 13 degrees is rather warm for us! But I totally understand how you must love reaching for the long sleeves and boots and trying them on - its fascinating chatting across the world. x

  6. I keep thinking of that dreadful snow we had this year. Bit cooler today thankfully.
    Slight breeze quite pleasant.
    Love Suex

  7. Brrrrrrrr. bundle up now, my friend. We are peeling off our clothes here. Will be down to our undies in the heat this afternoon.

    Cool Whales,

  8. All of you over the sea who are feeling the heat have my sympathy. I HATE the heat! I think you can always get warm( in my experience anyhow !)but sometimes it's very hard to get cool.

  9. Watch out Helen!!! We woke up to the coldest morning in 61 years!!!!! 6C!!!!!!
    It will take a couple of days to get to you but you are warned!!!!

  10. My Australian niece is over here...missing your cold...and getting ours! We haven't had much heat yet this summer.

  11. That sounds like a typical British summer.
    Ah well, there's something nice about getting wrapped up against the cold in a cosy woolly jumper.
