Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Br rrrr rrrr
Winter has come to Brisbane!
Today was chilly.
The temperature didn't get above 15 degrees.
The sun refused to come out of the clouds and warm us up today
and it's 9:30pm and 9 degrees and falling.
Heading for a cold one tonight.

Our houses are built to be cool,...
lots of big sliding glass doors.,.
shutters and blinds to keep the sun out and let the air in, instead of curtains,.....
So they can be a bit chilly unless you are lucky enough to have reverse cycle air-conditioning ( and can afford to pay the high price of electricity to run it )

I'm off to snuggle down in my cosy bed.


  1. It was cold here last night too, not quite so cold during the day, as we had some sunshine. Not looking forward to tomorrow though, it's supposed to be colder.

  2. Wrap up warm Helsie! its nice to snuggle - we are enjoying warmer weather here - long may it last!!!

  3. Thank-you, just what I need to cool off today. We are going to soar into the 90s here with 100% humidity. This alone has cooled me off. Guess it's like you seeing my blizzards in the winter here.

    Great Day to You, Stay Warm,
    How's the Crochet Class going,
    Off to read about the whale's tail, as posting I know I'll love,

  4. 15' is warm in England :D
    I actually prefer the cold weather (better not jinx it for the sun lovers) and a lively breeze this morning was a delight.
    I have been trying to work on a quilt, but it is making my legs too hot! :D
    keep warm M'lady, be sure to have the servants build up the fires in every room XX

  5. Snuggle in! It'll be summer again before you know it!

  6. Positively balmy then?! I guess it's all a matter of what you get used to. I notice your lowest temperatures are only just below 10 degrees - no icicles there then? Snuggle in and keep warm in bed. Sweet dreams.


  7. That sounds like a normal English summer to me! But heavens above, we've been basking in the upper 80s and it even touched 90c on Sunday. Of course its much too hot for us and we are all praying for rain, apparently there is a water shortgage in Cumbria ... what are we like?!!

    Wrap up warm and don't forget your bed socks:)


  8. Just can't believe it can you?
    Hugs 'you'll need them'.

  9. Love the first picture - it sure is cold now. Colder than its been for quite a few years - or is that cause I moved a little south ☺
    They don't seem to be having a good snow season though

  10. Hot as usual here - and humid! Looking forward to some cooler weather whilst in Brisbane in a few weeks time - but don't want it too cold!
