Monday, July 5, 2010


Before we moved into this house and suburbia we lived on 13 acres of land not far away. Around us were other houses on acreages- mostly about 10 acres so not exactly close by. The houses were all  new modern houses built for life in the "country" with swimming pools and BBQ areas for families and many had horse paddocks and sheds and even tractors to slash the paddocks and play at being "on the land".

Even though we were not close in distance to our neighbours,
could usually only wave hello from afar,
we forged deep, lasting friendships with them.
They became close friends whose company we really enjoyed and many happy times were spent down in the paddock with a campfire cooking BBQ breakfasts or dinners topped off with damper and golden syrup like the olden days.
The kids are mostly all grown up and flown these days
and several of us have moved on to other houses
but almost twenty years later we are still the best of friends and continue to celebrate our friendship with three monthly get togethers when we all meet for a meal - usually a BBQ -
 and what a jolly time we have.

Last weekend was one of those occasions.

As you can see they were very occupied with the feast !!!
Look at the camera, folks !

There's still plenty for seconds!

Though now we live in very close proximity to five families we hardly know them,
wave and smile as we drive past on our way out.

Good neighbours, the ones that become part of your life, are hard to find and should be treasured.



  1. I agree with you's so nice to have neighbors that you are close to. That's one reason why we feel comfortable taking three months away from our home because we have great neighbors who are friends to watch our home while we are away. Maybe you could break the ice at your new home and invite the neighbors over - sometimes folks don't want to bother others. New friends could be there it's worth a try.

  2. You're absolutely right Helsie. Do you know, apart from one chap, we don't know anyone who lives in our road, I wouldn't even recognise the people who live next door. Isn't that awful? Sadly that's not unusual at all in London, although just writing this makes me think I ought to go and knock on a few doors x

  3. We are lucky here to have lovely neighbours who get together in the summer.You are right Helen, good neighbours are to be treasured!

  4. I love the look of Toorain - its my dream at the moment, small acreage. But I would love a very small home, just basic. Not into housework. Country people are more friendly to neighbours than city folk - generally speaking

  5. Aw, that looks brilliant! I love that table groaning with food!

    It's nice that you still have these get-togethers. It looks like lots of fun.

  6. Looks like you were all having a great time. We are lucky with our neighbours too. Thank you so much for your good wishes about my sore hands Helen, very much appreciated. x

  7. Oh wow! How lovely to be enjoying a meal like that with lots of happy faces!
    yes we are lucky with neighbours. 'Now' But at one time we had the neighbour from hell! I wont go into it, but he gave us an unbearable time.
    So lovely. I hope the crocheting is going well Helen!
    Love Suex
