Thursday, June 24, 2010


Do you remember the young Scottish couple I wrote about who are here on a university exchange? I wrote about them here.
Their time in Australia is coming to an end, so we met them for dinner this week at the Gold Coast where they are staying with my daughter.
After dinner Sally took us to this shop.

The sign says " Chocolate by the bald man "
Sounds interesting ......?
Then come inside .......

First thing you pass is this huge vat of melted chocolate !

Then there are showcases displaying all these goodies.

Next you order a dessert ........ like this .......

that oozes melted chocolate when you pierce it with your spoon ! 

or this little pot of melted deliciousness and strawberries to dip.

There's no doubt about it, the young people of today know all the good places.

What's a girl to do except dip and enjoy !



  1. I love Max Brenner chocolate. Every time we go to Melbourne, we have to have a treat (or two) at Max Brenner. I didn't realise there is now one on the Gold Coast, that's a whole lot closer than Melbourne. Yippee

  2. As I said before I am beginning to change my opinions about Australia thanks to your blog!! I might yet make it to Oz one day in spite of all my previous obviously misguided ideas!!!


  3. Ooooo-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ooooo! That looks sooooo delicious!

  4. Breathtaking - I am positively drooling!

  5. It's BEFORE breakfast time here and I'm already being tempted this morning. Yum. Off to add a little chocolate sprinkles to my coffee.

    Great pictures.

  6. Yummy! Yummy! Looks good to me!
    Hugs Suex

  7. This is indulgence to the max!!! ☺ I love the strawberries, but the hot chocolate was rich, lucky its not large, so I could still drink it ☺
