Monday, June 21, 2010


As we were leaving the Petrie Markets we noticed people looking up into this tree.

Can you see what they were looking at?

Yes, it was a koala high up in the tree !

Fast asleep of course.


Doesn't look very comfortable all scrunched up on the little fork in the branch.

It is so rare to see a wild koala as they are very hard to spot way up there in the trees.

I got a better view of it when I came home and was able to crop the photo.

Next we drove down to Shorncliff, a beach on Moreton Bay.


Lots of families were out picnicking in the sunshine.

There were even two people fishing down below us standing in the water and lots of sailing boats out on the bay.

 As the tourist adds say
"Just another day in Paradise !!!"



  1. And Nick keeps telling me we are currently living in Paradise!!! I knew he was fibbing! Nothing quite as special as a clear winter day in Qld - perfect!

  2. That's lovely Helsie - I must admit I had never seen a picture of Australia that made me want to visit until I came across your blog. But where you live looks lovely and to think those photos were taken in mid-winter too!

    Jane x

  3. Lovely photos, you've clearly had a lovely outing. My husband's in Oz on business at the moment and has had strict orders (from our daughter, not me!) to bring home a koala. I'm not sure she meant a live one though. How exciting to see him.


  4. Amazingly fun day. It hard for me to imagine looking up in a tree and seeing a Koala. Hey, I didn't know that whirly-gigs were for kids. I love them. I can sit and watch them spin for hours. Ok, not hours, but aren't they fun.

    Kate - T.G.B.

  5. Youre not kidding! That blue sea is just idylic! I havent been to the sea for ages, but its not often as stunning as that :D

  6. Gosh Helen, lovely photos and that is winter in Australia! How special to see a Koala, magical. x

  7. Now that looks a little different than our average Sunday outing! Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

  8. Fabby photos, certainly looks like paradise to me, lol.
