Friday, June 25, 2010


After attending an old colleague's Retirement Breakfast this morning my friend Ro and I decided a walk was needed to make up for the bacon and egg on a muffin that we had scoffed for breaky.

We have a suburban shoppingcentre not too far away so we walked in the winter sunshine through this pretty neighbourhood park to get there.
After a nice cappacino ( and raisin toast - but that was lunch !!!) we walked home again and on our way we came upon this symbol of Australia just beginning to bloom.

I just love it -the smell just makes me think of Australia.

and those sunny yellow flowers ........

DElightful !



  1. Helsie - I am beginning to see why our daughter wanted to visit Australia. Thanks you so much for helping me to see Australia in a different light!!


  2. Jane,
    We'd love you to come down here for a visit. The BBQ is always ready for blogland friends from around the world.

  3. I just so love when you show us your flowers, trees and birds. It's always something, I don't really see around here. I find it so very interesting and it's gets my mind rolling along in a new direction. Most of the time, it's moving a trip to Australia up on our bucket list of travel places. The only problem is Scooter still working and being able to get off from more than a week at a time. I'm not quite ready for him to retire and be home in my hair all day, bugging me. But, a visit down under is on the list for sure.

    So, more importantly.... I couldn't be more thrilled that you are taking a class on hooking. What fun you are going to have. Now, please, please, remember that "Little Engine that Could". I know you may get to a point of frustration, but do stick with it. Believe me when I say I have quite a few scarves stash in the closet never to be worn, from my practice days. You will get it, it just clicks one day. The Lucy Ripple is a great one to start out on. It was my first that I actually felt like putting out for other's to see. Remember, I've only been at this about 1 1/2 yrs now. You will get there. It's all about the tension in the non-hook hand and how you wrap the yarn around those four fingers.

    Need to go start my day for now,
    Kate - T.G.B.

  4. They're beautiful. I tried to imagine what theymust smell like but all I could muster up in my imagination was the smell of what raisin toast might smell like!

  5. I love to see the photos too Helsie. Its' a sure delight!
    have a good weekend love Suex

  6. Glad you are all enjoying the Aussie stuff, folks.

    Thanks for the encouragement, Kate. It is much harder to get the "hold" right than it looks but I really want to make a blanket of granny squares so I'll persevere.

  7. Helen, good luck with the crocheting you will get it in the end. Tell me and pardon my ignorance - are the yellow trees Mimosa - because I love that smell so sweet! x

  8. Yes Kim wattle is mimosa. We have hundreds of different varieties here and they all begin to flower from now on.

  9. Beautiful tree!!!!! I would love to have one........MIMOSA! That not only sounds like it smells good, but the taste! XO MARY
