Thursday, June 3, 2010


Hello my friends. I'm back from visiting my parents who live in a Retirement Village in Hervey Bay, a four and a half hour drive from here. I haven't been up to see them for quite a while  - what with overseas visitors and trips to France and all !!!
Anyway, I've done the good daughter stuff and spent four days with them. I'm happy to report that they are both very well and enjoying their time in their little two bedroom house in the "resort" as they call it !
I've got a lot of tripping around blogland to do to catch up with all your adventures so be patient, I'll drop in to "chat" with you soon.

What I have noticed as I've been speeding around your blogs is all the lovely Summer gardens and what looks like incredibly warm weather a lot of you have been having.

Which leads me into what I thought I would post about today -Winter in Brisbane.

Strangely down here in Oz we change seasons on the first of the month.
So we are now officially in Winter - June, July and August are officially our Winter months.

Outside the sky is blue and there are a few clouds around as it is a bit rainy which is quite unusual for this time of year.

It's four fifteen in the afternoon and twenty degrees.

It will be dark around 5:45pm

and our overnight low will probably be around 12 degrees.

In other words lovely weather - sunny warm days and cool nights.
It should be like this for most of June with perhaps the odd colder day and chilly night.

No wonder people from the  southern states flock to Queensland for their Winter holidays.

I'll give you another report on our Winter weather in July when it should be colder.



  1. I can see why our daughter wanted to come over then! Your winter sounds like our summer!!


  2. Good to have you back!! I echo Marigold Jam - your winter sounds just like our summer!!!!!

  3. Nice to hear from you again and glad to hear that your folks are doing good. Not a bad "winter" for you so far. I can't believe we are in June here. We had some hot days so far but also some cooler ones. We made it to Canada today staying in a town called Ft. Macleod in Alberta. We are here for three nights to do some sightseeing. The town is small/rural only 3,100 population but surprisely there are quite a few historical things to see here.

  4. Yeah, your winter sounds like an very good summer over here! (Except for the going dark early business). Looking at the photos I can hear the wind in those trees.
    I'm out on my patio today, doing my work. It's glorious.

  5. The best thing about your blog Helen is your wonderful photos of Australia I just love them!
    Hugs suex

  6. We are just heading into the hot part of the year now, 36 degrees yesterday, we are starting to wilt. Luckily a bit fresher today. I'm missing winter already!
    Louise x

  7. Oh Louise you have my sympathy! I HATE the heat with a passion! I just wish that we had our seasons at the same time as the Northern Hemisphere then I could have Summer in the UK then Winter here - beautiful temperatures all year long!!

  8. what lovely photos....I love to see others home place... :) thanks for sharing...

  9. Seriously, you are the best daughter.
    Seriously, I get the whole visiting the Parents.
    Seriously, I can't really say it looks like winter.
    Seriously, I wish our winters were that mild.
    Seriously, I am so happy to have you back in blogland.
    Seriously, I need to stop procrastinating and go do something.

    The Garden Bell - Not the serious one
