Tuesday, May 25, 2010


One of the bonuses about winter is that a lot of Australian Native plants begin to flower and as our back garden has quite a few of them it looks great.

A lot of our native plants have flowers that are shaped like this
and they're full of  honey.

So if you have flowers...
and honey....
you have birds that LOVE honey.


ps. Sorry about the misty photos. It was raining !
pps. The tarts tasted better than they looked !!!      


  1. Hi Helen
    Thanks for stopping by Helen,
    These photos are fine. Mom would love the one with the purple.
    Shes purple mad.
    I hope you have settled back in after your holiday. I expect you came back with tons of washing.......
    Have a good week, Suex

  2. Those are lovely flowers, Helsie. What is the bird called? The honey bird?

  3. Foody:
    It's a Rainbow Lorikeet. They are very common everywhere in Oz. They move around in huge flocks and make a huge din around sunset when they gather in the treetops.

  4. Totally cool for me to see all your native plants. Some I have never seen before. Keep them coming. But, is this your winter? No snow? Easie-Peasie....

    Have a good weekend visit with the Ps. Wear your halo proudly... and remember to breathe and put on your oxygen mask first.


  5. Wonderful looking plants........it is late spring here, summer starts June 21st.....XO MARY

  6. Seems so strange for you to be speaking of winter when we are basking in sunshine and looking forward to summer days and long evenings. Those flowers and even the birds are all novelties to us Brits too. What a wondrous thing blogging is for helping us to learn about each others countries, flora and fauna and ideas etc!


  7. Lovely plants.... considering it's winter! It's always lovely to see lfe and times from around the world. Ros

  8. I love grevillia's - mine use to go wild on our sloping backyard and hubby use to get a rash after pruning them. Thanks for the photos - I do miss them. Our yard was full of natives

  9. Hi Helsie,
    Unusual flowers but very pretty. How's your weather? It is getting cooler there now? We hit very hot weather the last three days but it is lovely out today - not so hot. We finally found a campground with decent internet speed so I could do a post. Not always easy to find even when they have internet service.

  10. Beautiful flowers. Can you eat the honey or can just the birds?
    Enjoy your winter day. We're having a late Spring heatwave of 93 degrees today. Looks like a beverage on the porch this evening after it cools down a bit!

  11. Seems strange you talking about the flowers in the winter! Still can't get my head around how hot is must be for you all in the summer!

  12. The flowers are beautiful, very vibrant for Winter. We have small green parakeets (ring necked apparently) in London, there are several communities of escapees from Victorian times that have bred very successfully. How lovely to have your colourful chappies popping into the garden.

  13. what beautiful plants, love the garden

  14. Just love the natives and the birds - something I do miss since moving into a unit!

  15. Just popping back in to check on you. If you are just busy that's fine, but just was thinking about you tonight.


  16. Ah I was wondering about the tarts! The birds look very pretty.
