Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Tomorrow (Wednesday ) I am expecting guests for Morning Tea.
Nothing fancy just a chat and a cuppa.
So this morning I set about making something to have with that cuppa.
Thought I'd make some little passionfruit meringue tarts.

Do you know passionfruit?

Australians in general  love  passionfruit.
Fruit salad isn't fruit salad without passionfruit.

They grow on a very vigorous vine with a very pretty flower.

 So I set about to make these tarts without a recipe to follow!!

First I used frozen pastry to make the tart cases.

The result was not great!!

Then I made the passionfruit filling.

mmmmm ... tasted good.
I added a meringue topping and cooked them.

Not  great.

Luckily I had one of my favourite standbys on the go too.

 5 Cup Cake.
This is a gem when you hear that visitors are on the way and the cake tins are empty.
There are only 5 ingredients:
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of coconut
1 cup of self-raising flour
1 cup of mixed fruit - your favourite combination of sultanas, apricots, dates etc
1 cup of milk

That's it!!
Mix them all together and cook at 180C (350F) for about 45 minutes.
Test with a skewer to make sure it is cooked.

Lovely plain or, if you want to be really decadent, buttered with a smear of cold, real butter.

Now ...... I wonder if I should make something else to replace those tarts?
You win  some, you lose some.



  1. I'm sure the tarts will taste just fine - anything with condensed milk is up my street that is if I haven't eaten it straight from the tin or spread on a nice fresh crust of bread and butter! Must try the cake recipe sometime - I like the recipe swaps we get via blogging as sometimes one gets set in one's ways and trying something new is good.


  2. Sometimes the cakes that look the most "home made" taste the best , these sound delicious !
    Louise x

  3. WOW. Never, ever, seen the inside of a passionfruit. ICKS.. funny looking, but I sure do love their flowers. That cake looks yummie too. So, what time should I be there for a cuppa....

    Have fun,

  4. OOh I can smell here Helen! Looks so good and I'm sure tastes brilliantly!
    Thanks for your comments.
    Love Suex

  5. That laof looks delicious, I can imagine the sweet smell as it cooks. SHop bought cakes are just not the same.

  6. Thanks for sharing your cake recipe - but I'm afraid I'll be putting more than a smear of butter on my slice! I bet the meringues tasted good too!

  7. Helsie - just looking through the recipe for the loaf again and writing it down this time - is that right there are no eggs nor any sort of fat included? Thanks too for your comment over on mine and I'm glad I'm not the only one who presses send before proof reading my comments!

  8. That's right Jane.
    No eggs
    No butter
    and it tastes yummy!

  9. Oooohhh!!!! How do I get to your place, not enough time. I would love just a little taste, especially of the last cake mmmmmmmmm

  10. I thought the tarts looked great! Mind you, I don't like passionfruit. I think it smells (and therefore probably tastes) like tom cat spray!

    I will try that cup cake as I have some coconut that desperately needs to be used. Are Australian cups the same size as US cups? My recipe books aren't very consistent in their conversion charts so I get a bit nervous of US and Oz recipes.Even though I have bought a little set of US cup measures I don't quite trust them.

  11. Foody:
    I'm sure any cup will do as long as you keep the same cup to measure everything.
    Hope you like it and no, passionfruit doesn't taste like Tom cat spray !!!!!

  12. I think the tarts look delicious, I'll eat them if you don't want them!

    I like the sound of the 5 cup cake, easy and fat free too, mmm!

  13. I'll be round in five minutes, get the kettle on!
