Friday, June 4, 2010


I'm a bit pleased with myself today.

Yesterday I entered a photography competition at my local CWA branch.
There were lots of categories ............

and I won a FIRST !!!

with this photo that I took on our holiday in France...

and a second with these two

This one was taken on a visit to Victoria, Australia

and this one near Keld  in the Yorkshire Dales.

I may just have to go on holidays again to further my career as a photographer !!!



  1. Congratulations, very nice photos. I am green with envy of your fabulous holiday.
    I love Crimson Rosellas, they remind me of childhood holidays at Wilsons Prom.

  2. Congratulations! You should be pleased with yourself!
    I love the photo of the couple in the Dales.

    Have a great weekend~

  3. Oh wow Helen! Thats brilliant.
    gorgeous photos you deserve to win!
    Thanks for the comments on my hair, I have to go back Monday at 9.00 to redo again!
    Love Suex

  4. Marg:
    The photo of the Crimson Rosella WAS taken at Wilson's Prom !!
    Thanks for dropping by.

  5. Well done, Helsie, and well deserved too!
    Yor bird pic is infinitely better than any of mine.
    Like Keld too. Visited there when in the Dales in the '80's. I mean the decade, not the temperature. It rained for 2 weeks solid.

  6. You go girl. Great photo's. Is that bird a wild parakeet? XO MARY

  7. Congratulations - well deserved prizes I'd say! Of course you should further your new career and could perhaps take up travel photography and get paid to go on holiday?!


  8. Well done Helen, three photos as well - a new career! They are lovely photos too, so very well deserved. X Kim

  9. Personally, I knew it the minute I saw it on your posting back in France. It was a winner. Perfect compostion, Perfect exposure, Perfect subject....just perfect. Keep entering it.

    Soooooo. what is that great RED bird. It looks like something someone here would have in a cage. Very cool looking. Love the bluish/purple on his wings too.

    Snap away girlfriend. One out of 100 is a keeper. Can you believe we use to have to put film in a camera. Glad those days are gone.

    Out to water, rain missed us,
    Have a great weekend,

  10. Beautiful photos, all of them but the winner - love the reflection and the stillness of it. Congrats!

  11. Well done Helsie! And they are great photos! We're heading up to Edmonton, Canada tomorrow for a one day layover to do some housekeeping (laundry and groceries). We will be close to the largest shopping mall in North America. Hubby said he would take me there. I've always wanted to see it. Have a lovely night.


  12. Wahoo!!!! - Congrats!!!!
    Yes, more holidays are required, lots more photographs to be taken.
    I did thoroughly enjoy your sharing your photos of France

  13. Well deserved prizes. I especially liked the reflections on the water in the first picture.
    Well done, on all three though. :)
    And....thanks for the nice comment you left me.
    I'm off for a 'warm' beer. (actually - cellar temperature is traditional for English beer) :)

  14. congrats, all photos are beautiful and thank you for sharing!
