Friday, May 7, 2010


What a difference four weeks makes.

When we were first in Paris the trees were bare and Wintery.

Three weeks later the leaves have appeared and what a difference  it makes.

Look at the crowds. It was Labour Day weekend.

There was a big increase in the volume of traffic too.

And though we thought Paris was lovely on our earlier visit ...

it is really beautiful now!

A final dinner at our favourite restaurant ( Equinox in the Marais district )
and our lovely holiday in France was at an end.

Twenty-four hours in the plane and it would be " G'day Brissy "
But we'll be back!

Cheers. ( and   Au Revoir Paris  )


  1. What a great holiday you have had but I expect it will be good to be home again after such a long time away? Lots of lovely memories I hope.


  2. I have enjoyed all you news and pictures very much.
    Have a safe journey home and a nice rest!

    Regards Bernard

  3. WOW... Love the new header. That must have taken a long time to put together. What a great overview of you trip.

    Isn't the saying... "Nothing like Paris in Sprintime". Stunning.

    Now, you and Tony have a safe flight home. Try to get some sleep on the plane, drink lot of water and get up and move around. Looking forward to see you back at home. Let us know when you get in.


  4. Have a safe flight home Helsie. You've had a wonderful trip but there's no place like home is there?!

    I've missed a few of your travels so popping back to have a look now - Burgundy looks tres jolie!!


  5. What a fantastic trip Helsie! And thanks for taking all of us along with you. Ah...Paris in the spring time! Just lovely.

  6. I can't believe the difference in the growth in just a matter of weeks and you've packed so much in to your holiday, what memories you'll be taking home with you. Have a very safe flight home.

    Kate x

  7. I think you are home. I saw you on my Blog Frog. Hope you are getting some well deserved sleep. Looking forward to hearing from you once you are settled back home.


  8. What an amazing difference - it looks spectacular
    Welcome back to our almost winter, but more like spring Oz

  9. Thanks for all your good wishes folks. We are now home safe and sound.
