Sunday, May 9, 2010


Suitcases unpacked and stowed away till next time,

dogs back home and asleep in front of the TV,

photos being viewed up on the big screen,

souvenir mug ready to put away with the others.

Almost feels like we've never been away!


Home in time for Mothers' Day.

Lovely new scarf from Sally.

Lovely flowers from Scottish " children"

morning tea today in my new French mug



  1. Love your collage banner and you in that beret! Glad you got back safely and am sure you have loads of lovely memories. Just had a few words with my daughter who has left Brisbane and is on her way to a cattle ranch somewhere near Townsville!


  2. It must feel strange after being away for so long. I hope it's nice being back too because that's really important.
    What a difference in those trees in Paris after that short time. It did look very beautiful.
    I am so glad you had such a lovely time.

  3. Jane:
    We don't call them ranches we call them "properties" or "cattle stations". I'm so glad she 's getting to see some of that type of life. It is uniquely Australian. I hope while she is up that way she goes to see the Great Barrier Reef. That is really special.
    Hope she is enjoying her visit.

  4. Glad to see you are home. I've been reading your travel diary and really enjoying it.
    Louise xx

  5. Hi Helen and Tony, glad you are back safe and sound! Love the collage of photos what special memories you will have! Its nice to get home though, I bet the doggies have missed you! I wonder why over here our Mothers Day is different to everywhere else, trust us to try to be different!!! **Kim**X

  6. Hi there! I've followed your holiday exploits with great interest. Sounds like the trip was wonderful! There'a always something good about being back home again too though, don't you think? Ros

  7. Hi Helsie,
    Welcome Home! Your doggies look content!
    Hubby and I watched "Australia" on cable together. The first time I watched it (alone) was on my computer screen on a trip (rented DVD). Hubby liked it through the cattle drive and has now lost interest. He can't understand why the movie didn't end once the drive was done. I've tried to tell him that the bad guys haven't been taken care of yet. Men are so funny. I love this movie - Hugh Jackman - yummy! And the beautiful scenery. And Bryan Brown as a bad guy - I remember watching him in "A Town Like Alice" years and years ago in the early 1980s. Our big trip is getting closer. We are getting more of our to-do list done for the trip.

  8. welcome back, looks like you had a great time. I am sure the puppies are glad your home looks like they are resting comfortable. love all of your photo's.

  9. Welcome home and perfect timing ☺
