Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Time to get back into my old groove.

As you know I am a beginner quilter. Each month my CWA group has a patchwork day where we all get together . Some of us are beginners and we are taught some quilting skills by the generous ( with their time and knowledge ) quilters who come along and work on their own projects.
As a learning exercise we are being taught a range of different blocks and I have decided to make a set of tablemats, each one incorporating the block of the month.
When finished I will have a set of eight tablemats.

My dining room has a display of pretty blue and white china most of which is very inexpensive stuff collected after I was inspired by a picture in a magazine.

This blue and white china is the inspiration for my choice of material for the tablemats.

The first block was a nine patch block.

Two of them sewn together make the centre of my mat with a border of the third material to complete it.

Front finished now there is wadding and the back to put on to finish it before adding a little stitch-in-the-ditch.

Tomorrow is lesson 2 , 3 &4 ( got to make up for time lost galavanting around France !) so hopefully I will have three more placemats to show you soon featuring hearts and stars and bowties!



  1. Well done! I too had a go at learning to do different blocks - supposed to be to make a quilt but I gave up after 4 and decided to make cushion covers instead! You I am sure will be made of sterner stuff and will keep it up longer than I did!


  2. That is a great idea, much easier than trying to make a whole quilt. Very pretty fabric, congratulations on finishing the first one. Looking forward to seeing more.

  3. Thay are lovely! I do like blue and white, so fresh. Your table will look beautiful with all the place settings laid.

  4. Lovely, Look forward to seeing more, you are doing really well with these! I would love to find time to go to a quilt class x

  5. I love the teapot material. Great idea making placemats, they always come in useful and now they will co-ordinate with your decor

  6. Welcome home. You are right back in the groove so quickly. It took me longer.

    Love you new placements. Great choice of fabrics. The blue and white with the teapots and flowers will go perfectly.

    It's getting late, so off to bed for this kiddo,

    So nice to have you back all to ourselves,


  7. Hi Helen,
    Its really nice to have you back! and thanks very much for popping over. Yes I agree the teapot material is really unusual. I just love the large mirror with your floral display. I think a big mirror in a room makes such a lot of difference. Your room from what I can see is really very homely beautiful. Thanks for sharing!
    Hugs Suex

  8. Welcome home! I've just spent the last hour thoroughly enjoying your holiday posts - the photos are fantastic and the places amazing.
    I love your blue china, I'd love to start a collection on my own. The fabric is amazing and your quilting looks great - super neat. Good luck with your classes.
    Take care,

  9. Welcome back! I love your header with all your latest holiday snaps! Good idea!

    Your quilting is looking great. Isn't it such a fun hobby? Have fun with it. The rewards are so satisfying.

    BTW- thanks for sharing your journey with us. It was nice to take a break with a cuppa and see where you were off to next!
