Friday, May 14, 2010


Late last year Kath over at Railway Cottage mentioned in this post that she was making tiny hexagons to send to Australia for an attempt at the World's Largest Hexagon Quilt.

It so happened that the quilt was being made and exhibited at a town called Gatton in Queensland which is a forty minute drive from where I live.
I promised her then that I would go and see it and take photos to show her.
So Kath, here it is in all its glory.

It went down the hall......

round the corner....

round the next corner , then up and down and around and up again!!!
It is enormous!
Want to see a close up?

Wouldn't it be amazing if I happened to take a photo of Kath's contribution?

What an achievement!
You must be proud to be a part of it , Kath.
Loved this sign on it .

There were lots of other lovely quilts on show.
Here are a few.

There are lots of talented people around aren't there?



  1. OOh Helen the quilts are absolutely beautiful! Thanks for showing them. So perfect too. Very nice.
    Can you pop over to Flickr. I have sent you an email inviting you to 'add note' to your square in my blanket.
    Thank you,
    Love Suex

  2. Oh oh oh how exciting! I'm so happy that you went to see this amazing quilt. Thankyou so much for taking the trouble to travel there and posting such fabulous photos.
    Yes, wouldnt it be fun if I spotted "my" hexies! I will be having a closer look for them :D I am very proud to have been part of this project, a real piece of history.
    You are a darling to show it to us. Kath xx

  3. Apologies to Kath for calling her Kate. Have fixed the error now. I woke up this morning and it was niggling at me so I rushed to check and found my mistake.
    Im so glad Kath brought the quilt show to my attention as it was lovely. Looking at these quilting works of art makes me wonder what I do with my time !!!

  4. That is one very amazing quilt. Do they plans for it. I do really love quilts, hubby is not so enthused, but I would seriously love one for my bed, just don't think I am up to making it though ☺
    Really love the diamond one and the last one

  5. Now THAT'S a quilt!! Wonder how many folks you could fit under that to snuggle??

    The other quilts aren't too shabby either ;-)

    Thanks for sharing this. I would have never believed it without seeing it.

  6. In answer to your question Maria, the massive quilt is to be seperated into many smaller ones which will be donated to hospices, rest homes and hospitals.

  7. First off, might I say I love the walk journey you took regarding the wild garlic.........did it have a nice fragrance? I also liked the photo regarding the largest hexagon amazing is that! Happy Thursday. XO MARY
