Thursday, May 6, 2010


                   Early in the week we headed off towards Beaune to have a quick look at
 the vineyards that line the road.
We stopped to take a closer look to see what made this such an ideal place for wine production.
The surrounding hills had become a little steeper with exposed rocky limestone cliffs topping many hills and when we looked closely the soil was dry and rocky too.

Apparently this is ideal.

 Because it was so early in the Spring there was not much action in the vineyards but dotted along the road were lots of " Caves" ( cellars ) offering degustation but we drove on to Beaune.

We made our way to  the celebrated Hotel-Dieu des Hospices de Beaune, a charity hospital founded in 1443.

The old hospital finally closed its doors in 1985 and is now beautifully preserved.
It is one of France's architectural highlights and is topped by a Gothic style roof of multicoloured glazed tiles.

This charity hospital offered accommodation and treatment originally for the poor but eventually for all who needed it and was run by nuns and priests.
Grateful, wealthy patients bequeathed  fotunes to the hospice which invested the money in local vineyards and it now owns 60 acres of prime vineyards in the area..
A huge auction of their wine is held yearly in the coutryard of the hospice and netts 1.5 million Euros. This money helps to finance the new, modern  hospital.

On our final day in Burgundy we drove through beautiful countryside to Dijon and we were glad we made the effort as it is a very nice city with some lovely old buildings.

 We strolled through the streets

 and came upon these huge undercover markets

selling all sorts of curious food

and of course cheese.

 We headed home through Beaune and noticed quite a change in the amount of growth there was in the vines
 since our visit earlier in the week.


A pale green sheen was beginning to appear.

Though we didn't try the degustation offered by all the "caves" (cellars) we have managed to sample a different bottle of the local wine every night with our dinner, randomly chosen and always appreciated !

Next stop Paris



  1. What an amazing building that hospital is and that roof is fabulous. I don't know that area at all and it all looks so different to the part of France we lived in. That salt fish in the market I recognised though!

    Enjoy the remainder of your time in France.


  2. Wow, that hospital - amazing. The vines - at least they are getting enough warmth to grow, of course when we normally go to France, they are in full fruit so it is interesting to see them at this stage - Thanks Helen. **Kim**X

  3. Those are lovely buildings indeed. Loved the bit about cheese and wine too!

  4. This is turning out to be the most awesome journey with you. I was just talking about your and {Tony's} journey tonight, mind you as he pour that second glass of vino. I so, so, want to take this journey.

    Then, my mind started to roll. I know the next SIBOL blankey journey we need to do on.... Sue, Mrs. Twins, better watch out. I think we need to do a month journey through France, The Poppie Fields and Vineyard... Now, isn't that a great idea. I think she is not going to be happy with me when I post on that site tomorrow.

    Seriously, I have enjoy every minute of this journey with you and {Tony}... So, do I really need another sip or should I sign off for the night.

    Signing off the better choice,
    Raise them High,
    Enjoy your last moments,
    Can't wait for your to be back home,


  5. What a trip Helsie. Burgundy is gorgeous. Such wonderful architecture and the history and natural beauty of the place is astounding.

    I love France but have never taken such a leisurely holiday through its regions in this way. It's definitely the way to really appreciate what the country can offer. Thank you for sharing your memories with us!


  6. Love the new header photo - a great mix of your holiday.
    The hospital is amazing, I am in awe of the beautiful roof.
    As for the wineries, I think I could very easily be enticed inside a few - just to sample and see how they compare to our countries wonderful varieties - you know - research ☺
