Thursday, May 6, 2010


Autun, an old Roman town , was close to where we stayed, so off we went to find the remains of a Roman ampitheatre.

Wow, there was really a lot of it still remaining and it was lovely to see a modern stage constructed so that performances of some sort are still held there.

Below it there is a beautiful lake and park which is well used by the residents of Autun.

We are getting very good at taking photos of ourselves with the timer on the camera !

Another place we visited was the old medieval town of Semur en Auxois. This is the best medieval village we have seen so far and we followed narrow lanes as they wove their way up the hill towards the oldest part of the town.

Some parts of the town wall are still remaining and some have strong supports in place to keep them safe.
You can see the wooden construction below the blue section of the photo.
Below the village the Armancon River winds its way under a very old , narrow stone bridge.

Picture postcard perfect isn't it ?

Next we moved on to the village of Flavigny-sur-Ozerain. It is another delightful hilltop village straight out of the Middle Ages where the film Chocolat was filmed.
This is the only hotel - it has seven rooms but is very spartan.
It was the only place open in the whole village and as it was lunchtime, we found ourselves a table and before long were tucking into some really authentic, home cooked food famous in Burgundy.

Yes, Beef Bourguignon !
and it was GOOD !

As it was only 3 o'clock by the time we had finished lunch and our exploration of Flavigny, we pushed on to Abbaye de Fontenay.

This gem was founded in 1118 and has been restored to its medieval glory.

The chapel is very imposing but quite stark with little decoration in keeping with the spartan lives of the monks.

It offers a fascinating glimpse of how the Cistercians used to live.

Carefully tended gardens surround the abbey.

The weather was perfect - warm and sunny and the trees were greening up nicely.
Everywhere we went the blossom trees were heavy with flowers especially pink ones.
Spring had finally sprung!
Only a short time left before our lovely holiday would come to an end.



  1. Ah..another wonderful day touring France! I love it! We've used the self timer too! Many times we ask other couples to take our photos.

  2. Lovely - have you ever thought of being a travel writer?! I guess all this history and the ancient buildings etc is a contrast to Australia where you don't go back so far? Enjoy the remainder of you time in France and have a safe journey home (volcanic dust notwithstanding!)

    Jane x

  3. I have so loved your journey throug France Helen, makes me long to be there - we have been to France pretty much for the last 13 years but alas last summer and this coming summer with have missed out and I do miss the "Frenchness" I don't know when you start the long journey home but here is wishing you a safe and happy one! Take care **Kim**x

  4. Your photos are brilliant. You have certainly chosen the most picturesqu places for your holiday. I can't wait for more.
    It gets me that we in UK have lots of places that date back to medieval times but hardly any are ever so well preserved and (apparently) unspoiled as the ones you see abroad. Is it because of our planning legislation or is the the bombing in the war? But France was bombed too.

  5. Can't answer that one Foody but I don't think it is because of the war. I wonder if perhaps the English architecture in medieval times was different to that in France.
    The villages that we saw in all the areas we travelled were very different to English villages. Even Marie Antoinette thought English villages were prettier and built herself one at Versailles.

  6. Once again Helen, just a lovely tour. I feel as if I've been there with you two.

    Enjoy the rest of your holiday!

  7. Oh Helsie! What amazing photographs! I would so love to see a place like this in person:>)

  8. OMG!! I feel like I am on a holiday with you, your photo's are just wonderfuland it is very nice of you to show them to fellow bloggers. Have a wonderful time. XO MARY

  9. What a fairytale place! I'm so pleased you got all those wonderful photos.

  10. Talk about a photographer. These pictures are abSolUteLy Stunning. The bridge one's are more than postcard perfect. They are frame big and hang on the wall. Seriously, fantastic.

    All, I can do is mutter around in my garden and watch plants grow. Yes, we do have quite the season change here in Chicago, so we all get very excited about planting our pots. Of course, we have watering restrictions, by address, every other day, betwee 6am and 10am. We do cheat, but only in the backyard.

    By the way, I'm really not as crazy wild as it sounded today. Did have a bad eye in the camera shutter today. As far as a student...well, let's just say, I was not a slacker. An exaggerator, yes, but Art and Gym were my favs. My degree is in Elementary Ed. too. I ended up teach Travel Agents for many many years. So, yes, I do handle the computer stuff and type very quickly.

    Dinner Time Here,

    Keep the pictures coming.

  11. Thank you for sharing your photos - I so love history, would be totally lost in other worlds checking it out.
    Should not have read your blog at lunch time cause I so very much want some of that meal ☺

  12. What beautiful photos you have posted! France really is a lovely country, isn't it?

    Thank you so much for your comment on my blog. I hope to post regular photos of the renovations going on here - when the dust has cleared!
