Monday, April 5, 2010


Don't let it be said that I don't look out for you.

Today I have been using my time in Paris to research shoes for you.
I want to make sure that you are always dressed in the up-to-the-minute fashion so I have searched the shops on the Champs Elysees for you so that you have a bit of an advantage over your friends who don't know the up coming trends for the next season.

Aussies, you will really have the advantage over your friends as you will be able to save up over Winter so that you can afford to buy these beauties in Spring.

Are you ready then ?

How good are you at walking in high heels?

We are all going to look sooooo slim and tall in these !

Now start saving for these beauties !!

Au revoir de Paris.


  1. We'd not only need to save up we'd need a mortgage to buy those! I rather liked the pink ones bottom right in the third photo till I scrooled down and found those colourfully dotted yellow ones for a mere 1150 euros in the last pic! It's just as well I wouldn't be able to walk in them really I think!! Sounds as though you are enjoying yourself in Paris?


  2. Lovely to look at but my feet are smarting at the thought of trying to walk in them - I would just have to pose!!!! Bon nuit! **Kim**x

  3. Saw some of those shoes at the Golden Slipper. No way am I going near them. Spent the time watching girls do their ankles in :-) and that was before they had any champers

  4. So you're in Paris??!!! How absolutely lovely.
    Wow! What striking shoes! I assume they come with stepladders to get on and off them.
    Hope you have a lovely holiday. Do tell us all about everywhere you are going.

  5. Looks like you are having a great time in Paris! So, which shoes did you buy..... :) ? Have fun! Ros
