Wednesday, April 7, 2010


No prizes for guessing where this is!!

Yes, the Eiffel Tower is a truly impressive sight.
After being in Paris for a couple of days we just wanted to see it even though it was Easter Monday and Paris was full of holiday makers.
So we caught the Metro to the Champs Elysees and then walked for about half an hour. Not hard to find when you have something that big to aim for and wow it is great!

Of course the crowds were unbelievable......

and 3 or more hours in a queue is not our style

so we decided to do it the next day when Easter was over.

The next day (Tuesday), after lunch in a nearby cafe, we arrived about 3:30pm and after an hour were at the ticket office. We were a little disappointed to be told we could not go to the top as it was too crowded but when we saw the sights from the second level we were satisfied.
Beautiful Paris was spread out below us from one horizon to the next - high density low rise  ( about 6 storeys)- and all a pretty whitish-grey stone.

Of course we took about a 100 photos, including some to prove that we really were there.....

 then we took the lift down and headed for a good spot to watch the light show on the Tower at night.

If you look in the picture above you will see stairs leading to a big square just in front of the big curved building and this is where we positioned ourselves to see the light display.
The only trouble is that it takes sooo long to get dark over here already - about 8:45pm so we waited and waited and waited.

Finally around 8:45 it was dark enough for the lights to come on ..........

and at 9:00pm the show began!

 Absolutely spectacular !
Au revoir.


  1. OOh la la, did Paris put his Lordship in the mood for a little romance :D
    Hmm maybe don't asnswer that! So happy you are having such an enjoyable tour.

  2. Glad you are having such a good time. We went up the Eifel Tower when we were in Paris for our honeymoon nearly 40 years ago but haven't been up since. Paris is a lovely city isn't it and not too big to walk round. Do try and get to Montmartre area and the Ilse de cite too if you have time especially if you can join a tour as they are really interesting places to visit if you are with a guide who can show you the things you might otherwise miss! Enjoy!!

    Jane x

  3. The photos are great and now I've seen it too! It's another hot day here - our temp out on the porch is showing 90 degrees F. We have the A/C on too. It's suppose to cool down by the weekend. It's hot out by the humidity is low (thank goodness!). Have fun on the rest of your trip.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  4. Isn't this blogging on the go just wonderful! Did you ever think that you would be taking your followers on Holiday with you Lady Helsie? WE surely are enjoying the trip with you. Shopping one day, sight seeing the next! Trouble was the Eiffel Tower was just a bit too high for me!
    Glad you are having a wicked time. It was nice to see some photos of you and your Hubby you both look well relaxed and enjoying yourselves!
    Hugs and Love Suex

  5. Sooooooo, glad to see you have arrived safely. Love all the pictures already. The last is stunning. Can't wait to travel with you now that I'm back home.

    Enjoy and Relax....

  6. Great photos! looks like you had a nice clear day for your trip up the tower. Those light show photos are pretty special!

  7. Wonderful photos, loving the views. The crowds look as bad as the Easter show!!!!

  8. So you got to Paris then! I have just come back from a short blog break to find you atop the Eiffel Tower! Great photos Helsie - really stunning. I agree with Jane, you must visit the Montmartre district and the Sacre Coeur. Off for a catch up now.

    Have a good day tomorrow.

    Jeanne x

  9. WOW!!! What pics! Paris was on our shortlist for the Easter break, you know, but I wanted to go somewhere I hadn't been so it was Prague. Maybe I would have seen you if we had gone to Paris. I would have said 'Hello'!

  10. Me again - thanks for your comment on mine. Just wanted to say how much we all love the long summer evenings and for us it would be really strange to have it dark by 7.30!! But then I am guessing you don't have the short winter days when it's dark by 4.00 either?!! Continue to enjoy your trip we love hearing all about it - almost as good as being there especially when it is about somewhere I know!

