Friday, April 9, 2010


Anyone who has been to Paris knows that a visit to Paris is not all about the Eiffel Tower.

Really a visit to Paris is all about ........
 This is the sight that greets us every time we enter the Boulangerie that is below our apartment !!!

 There is usually a queue as everyone buys their bagette for breakfast. 
Would you like a closer look at all the goodies?

You can buy your lunch......

or dessert

or just a snack.....

Tony  loves  these!

We went shopping on rue Cler.

Come on in and have a better look .....

Do you fancy escargot?

 or champignons?

or perhaps some fromage?

And to top it all off,  when we come to the last course of our 3 course meal for 15E at our favourite cafe for dinner we have one of these !!!!


Do I look happy ?

You bet !!!!



  1. So glad you are enjoying it all! Good job there's a lot of walking to be done isn't it or you'd be needing Weightwatchers after just looking at that lot! I'm with Tony - my favourites are the pain aux raisins - I just can't resist them although I do appreicatie the artistry involved in the patisserie it's the pain aux raisins for me!!


  2. I thought it was lunchtime here and now I know it is foresure. What yummie treats you have found. I'm on the same page as Tony with that delishish looking delight. But what's that fun thing you are driving into? I want one, please, pretty, please.

    Do try to get to Versilles their gardens were spectacular if I remember correctly....

    Looks like you are having a fab time with a big smile on your face.

    Have a great weekend.
    Kate - The Garden Bell

  3. I love French food! It all looks delicious and wish I was there.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  4. OOh please can you bring me that strawberry one home just in the middle there! Isn't it great that we come away with you and haven't even left our chairs at home!
    You look SO WELL Helen, you look so beautiful in your red. It looks as though you've had a wicked time. Lucky you!
    Hugs and Love Suex

  5. I think you're right, forget the shoes and hit the food stalls!!
    best wishes from neighbouring Catalonia.

  6. Mmmmmmm looks so lovely, one of each please !Lovely photo of you, looks like a lovely holiday .
    Louise xx

  7. Yum!! fromage with a crusty bread stick - and all those sweet treats look good too - gotta love that French food.Looks like you and Tony are having agreat time - loving your posts!

  8. yumo, it all looks so pretty and o i know it is so so good! i absolutley adore and love french pasteries!!!

  9. How lucky to be in Paris and how lucky to be staying above such a wonderful place for all day treats!

  10. I would not know which one to start with, or for that matter to finish with :-) except for the escargo - not for me at all
    The red does compliment you wonderfully in the soft light
    I'm glad to see that ALL aspects of the trip are so wonderful

  11. OOOOOOOHHHH.....!!!!!! OOOOOHHHH!!! O-HO-HO-HO-HO-HOOOOOO......!!!!!!!!!!
    I can't find words. Just LOOOOOOK at those cakes! Those tarts! What little works of art they are!
    It reminds we of holidays in France when I just HAVE to have one, but you can't just choose one so you and up having one iin the shop and buying two or three to take away and eat later.
    That glassful you are about to tuck into looks rather like a trifle.
    15E for a 3 course lunch in Paris sounds bloomin' good to me!
    Aw, that's my favourite Paris post so far. (Apart from the snails). Keep 'em comin!

  12. Parisians really know how to put 'art' into their food - everything looks gorgeous and the shop counter is fantastic.

    Looks like you and Tony are having a fab time in Paris - it makes me want to jump on Eurostar right now!


    Jeanne x

  13. Oh My! Helen, I have just started a diet and I would easily munch my way through any of those cakes!!!! So glad you are both having a fab time! Enjoy!!! **Kim**x

  14. I want to taste all of that - now! Oh, my they all look so good. Paris would probably not be a good trip for me. I would eat my way through the city!
    Looks like you had a fabulous time!

  15. Just been catching up on your adventures in Paris. Looks like you've been having a fabulous time. I've just come back from a 2 week teacher exchange project in Toulouse, and can certainly vouch for those patisseries! It's really hard to choose a cake as they ALL look so delicious! I'm afraid I came back several pounds heavier! Just as well I wasn't there for longer, or my clothes wouldn't fit me!!!
