Saturday, April 17, 2010


Hellooooo my Blogland friends!
Don’t you hate it when you can’t connect to the internet?
It’s been quite while since I’ve been able to fill you in with all we’ve been doing and believe me we’ve done heaps.
I'll start by telling you about the rest of our time in Paris.


We've been to Versailles - fantastic but no flowers as it's too early so the gardens were a bit disappointing but it is such a vast imposing place there was lots more to see.

...and Notre Dame
- fantastic windows and once again very imposing but we love the history associated with the big English churches ( all those tombs etc ) and that is missing there.

 ...but the best thing in Paris was walking around the streets of the Marais district where we were staying, exploring and eating the fantastic food in the tiny cafes that are tucked into every corner.

We loved our time in Paris.
Hope we can return next year.



  1. I love Paris too so can understand why you liked it so much. Looks as though you have had a great time - are you off back home now or visiting mother parts of France?

    Jane x

  2. It looks like you have had a wonderful time, and packed lots in.

  3. I can't believe this has gone by so quickly. Glad you got to Versaille, sad the gardens weren't in bloom, but bet you had a wonderful visit. You are making me want to get back soon.

    We are all waiting for your return home to AU and the many many more pictures I'm sure you have to share.

    Safe Travels,

  4. I would love to visit Paris and Versaille. Some day....maybe...who knows. If I ever get up the nerve to fly abroad.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  5. I love the stained glass windows - wish we had more like that down-under
    Glad to see that your having a wonderful time

  6. Very atmospheric photos! The street cafes remind me of Dublin, which is about as far away from home as I am likely to go :D

  7. Did you visit the gardens at Fontainebleau Helsie - just as spectacular as Versailles and surrounded by gorgeous woodland. Maybe you can keep that for next time!

    Glad you had a wonderful time. Safe journey home.


    PS We saw friends from Brisbane today who are visiting family and friends here in the UK. They live in Bellbowrie - do you know it?

  8. You're packing in such a lot Helen! It looks as though you are really enjoying yourselves!
    Hugs and LOve Suex
