Sunday, April 18, 2010


 After leaving Paris we traveled in a hire car ( driving on the wrong side of the road !) south to the tiny village of Lore not far from Domfront in lower Normandy.

Our cottage was once the bakery of the farm and has been converted into a lovely holiday cottage attached by one wall to the converted barn home of the owners.

(this is the back)

Cute isn't it?
Inside was very cosy with two bedrooms and a log fire to keep us warm in the evenings. 
We were hoping for some cold weather and we certainly got our wish while we were there.
The surrounding area was very pretty although the trees were still bare and all the apple and pear trees had not yet burst into bloom.
(a nearby old water mill)

The surrounding farmland is green, green, green........

....and covered with lovely yellow flowers

On closer inspection the flowers look suspiciously like ( what we call at home )
only ours are much smaller and the flowers are on long stems.
Here's a close up.
Could these be dandylions? They are too pretty to be weeds!
The hedgerows everywhere have pale yellow primroses sprinkled all over them

as well as some other lovely little yellow daisy-like flowers.

So although the trees were still bare all these cheery flowers made the whole area very pretty.

Our hosts were a lovely English couple who helped us out with lots of good tips on where to go and what to do. 
I'll fill you in on our adventures next time.



  1. Helen lovely photos -cottage looks great and yes they look like Dandylions to me and I think the yellow flowers may be Celandines. Carry on having fun - I bet you are glad you weren't meant to be flying back this weekend. **Kim**x

  2. Looks lovely - though hope you didn't attempt to drive the hire car down those steps?!! Yes those are dandelions (from the French dents de lion or lion's teeth but the French call them pis en lit or wet the bed as it is said that the milk from their stems will cause bedwetting!) The other yellow flowers are indeed celandines and both are weeds and will quickly take over the garden if left especially the dandelions which turn into what we call clocks as we play telling the time by how many blows it takes to get all the little seed parachutes off the head. See here for more information : If you check out my blog you will see I have celandines for my header at the moment as although a weed they are very pretty.

    Enjoy the rest of your holiday.

    Jane x

  3. Thanks Jane,
    We play the same games with our version of dandylions but they are a lot smaller and not half as pretty.

  4. I allow just a few celandines to show themselves in the garden but as Jane says you have to keep an eye on them or they will take over!

    So now you are in the lovely countryside of Normandy - what a very pretty cottage you are staying in and the old water-mill is lovely. Look forward to reading more of your adventures!

    What a small world it is Helsie! My friends are a couple in their early 40s with 3 children under 8 so I'm not sure that Jo would have time for the WI, but you never know! Do you know Allspice Street?

    Jeanne x

  5. Bonjour Helen. Continue having a great time over there. Look forward to having a catch up with you and Shirl when you return and hear all about the trip. Great thing to do in this momentous year.
    Love from downunder.

  6. What a pretty place to stay, loving the photos. Thanks for sharing Helen

  7. I see you have already been told about the Dandelions, Primroses and Celandines. I allow the last two in my garden but never the first. You can make Dandelion wine, so perhaps the French are now growing fields of them! (joking).
    "Before the hawthorn leaves unfold,
    Or Buttercups put forth their gold,
    By every sunny footpath shine
    The stars of Lesser Celendine."
    Enjoy you hols.

  8. I too recognise the lesser celandine.
    Doooo sniff the primroses if you can! They smell delightful.
    That cottage is very pretty. I love Domfront. Have been there a couple of times. Very pretty area. Have you noticed the "spattered" Normandy cattle?

  9. Silly me... I thought you were leaving Paris to head back home. Looks like we are just getting started on this journey. Now, that's exciting to be on this trip to the countryside. Look at that adorable little cottage. I can't wait to see inside. How did you find this beauty.

    Those Dandylions are all over my yard here too. But, back here in the States, we are known to pull the little buggers out. But a field of them I have to admit looks quite stunning in your pictures.

    So, take us inside your little Hobbit House,
    Please, pretty, Please.....

    I for one, am glad this journey is not over.

    And by the way, your Tony is a cutie-patutie. Secret little blog crush...he-he....

    Kate - The Garden Bell

  10. I am so enjoying my visit to France through your eyes! I don't know anything about those flowers and/or weeds...but it looks like many do. Please show us photos of the inside of your lovely cottage!

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)
