Monday, April 19, 2010


Nothing much happens in the French countryside on a Sunday.
That is unless you do lunch!
So we set of to this little town called Bagnoles de l'Orne for a three course lunch for 16 euro (about$25) which was lovely.

 After that we walked it off a bit around the pretty town which has lots of holiday accommodation and a lovely lake. 

On Monday we set off for Mont Saint Michel, the second most popular tourist attraction in France ( after the Eiffel Tower ).

It was a cold day with a freezing wind blowing off the North Sea but we set off for a drive of about an hour and suddenly it was there.

We both had about four layers on (including singlets !) and set off from the parking area. 
The tide was out so according to the board at the entrance where we had our car, it would be safe till after 6 that night.

Unlike Mount St Michael in Cornwall, this one has a raised causeway that looks like it gives permanent access but the parking areas either side are at the mercy of the tides.
Inside you wind your way along narrow alleys lined with shops and restaurants till you finally enter the abbey.

 It is an enormously imposing structure, huge and solid and altogether amazing  and you climb up and up and up to the chapel at the top.

The abbey is illuminated by natural light and very imposing.

The view to the sand banks below makes you realise how isolated and impregnable it has remained through the centuries.

Bayeux was on the agenda for Tuesday mainly to see the tapestry and we were not disappointed though I'm sorry to say I have no photos for you.

It is a truly impressive piece of work ( 70 meters long !), perfectly preserved and beautifully displayed. 
The town itself is a very pretty medieval town largely undamaged in WWII and has a very impressive church.

We moved on to the DDay beaches at Omaha where the US forces landed ....


and on to the US Memorial Cemetery.

 It is a beautifully kept memorial containing an enormous number of headstones all lined up perfectly and overlooking that wide expanse of beach below. Very moving.

Wednesday saw us head off to a market in St Hilaire du Harcouet then on to the town of Domfront which sits on top of one of the only hills around. 

The old town is lovely though these towns seem to have been badly affected by the world financial troubles with lots of businesses closed up.

Well as you can see we've been very busy trying to get around and see as much as we can before we move on to the next stop.
More about Normandy later.



  1. Back in my Travel Agent Day we did make it to Paris, but not Normandy. We went up to Bruges instead. Now, this is all making want to go back. To Paris that is, not to working again...But, I do miss all those travel bennies.

    Continue to post when you can, but more important. Soak it all in.

    Kate from my Simple Garden.

  2. Poor Tony, he looks freezing. Loving the photos and day-dreaming as I read and look - Thanks

  3. We went to Normandy in 2004 cos my sister-in-law lives there. It was nice to see you have been to lots of the places we enjoyed - Domfront, Bayeux, Mont St. Michel where the tide races in at the speed of a galloping horse. Glad you are having such a lovely time and the weather looks good!
    We went to Ste. Hilaire market too! And isn't there a big shoe hypermarket just outside there? You must have been near Ducey then.
    I look forward to hearing about your other haunts.

  4. It looks like a most interesting place to much history.

  5. Such amazing pictures... Really enjoying your blog!

  6. Hello Milady. Sorry not to have been to visit for some time, I've just returned to the land of Blog following a very long break. So pleased you're both having such a wonderful time en France, I shall put the kettle on, make a brew and read through your holiday so far.

    I remember Mont St Michel very well, I had a great holiday there many years ago and your photos have brought it all back to me!

    Kate x

  7. This is making me very nostalgic for Normandy - we've had many a happy holiday there - the Bayeux Tapesty is truly impressive and it's a lovely town too. I remember a water mill and lots of colourful flowers in containers along the river (hope that's the same town anyway!).

    We stayed in Honfleur which is a pretty little harbour town. Looking forward to your next instalment Helsie.


  8. Glad you are having such a nice time - we went to that part of Normandy and the kids called it Monster Michel!! Very interesting. x

  9. Hi Helsie we're Sal's friends. Libby is a colleague and I'm Andre her idle surfer Hubby. We're so impressed with your blog and not a little envious of the great time you're having. Keep it up A&E
