Wednesday, April 21, 2010


At the risk of boring you to death I'm going to finish our stay in Normandy with what was, for us, a highlight.

On Thursday we set out to visit Honfleur.
My cousin E had told me it was a favourite of hers so we set off through the countryside, passing through a dear little village called Beaumont en Auge on the way.

When we arrived at the lovely little fishing village of Honfleur we knew we had hit the jackpot.

It is just picture post card perfect with very old buildings all along the quay and in front of them a huge number of open air cafes.

We settled ourselves at a table and, in our best French, ordered crepes for lunch.

Later we strolled around doing touristy stuff and I bought these lovely postcards.
They are watercolours - prints of course- but I'm going to frame them and put them in our family room when we get home.
What do you think?

This is the real thing.

This is the real thing. 

You can see why artists love this place can't you?

I think they are delightful and they are quite big - about 30cm x 12cm 

We explored some more and Tony found the old jail.

So we had a very pleasant day and finally toodled off home .

I've had a couple of requests to show you inside our gite, not an easy task to take photos inside such a confined space but here you are.

See the old bread over behind the fireplace.

Upstairs main bedroom.

Well that's it for our week in Normandy. Next week we are off to the Loire Valley.
See you there!



  1. Fantastic Helen,
    I just love the harbour,
    Hope you are both okay,
    Love Suex

  2. Love those postcards and they will provide a great souvenir of your holiday for years to come. That kitchen is so very French in style with the dark wood cupboards and the brown tiles! Enjoy the rest of your time in Normandy and keep us posted on your travels - not bored at all!

    Jane x

  3. Interesting how "British" it looks. Still not that far away from our shores.What a wonderful trip this is turning out to be.

  4. Helen, Honfleur is one of my most favourite places in France, so artisty!!! I am glad you enjoyed it - it is special. Looking forward to tales of the Loire, another fave in our family. x

  5. Love the photos, there's something very special about eating outside by the waterfront. Pretty post cards. Where next?

  6. The postcards will be a lovely memento/memory of your trip. Glad your doing lots of walking cause that food looks so delicious that it has to be waist enlarging ☺

  7. Lovely, lovely, lovely! I love the buildings along the quay!
    Glad the two of you are having such a grand time. Looking forward to your upcoming posts!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Great posts and pics Helen. I have several large postcards from a few different countries that I have had framed - and they come up beautifully! Have been without internet for a while here so had a bit to catch up on - enjoying reading all about your holiday. Looking forward to catching up with you in a few weeks time.

  10. It looks absolutely idyllic, the villages, the crepe, the cafe, the gite. I really like those postcard paintings.That's what I do - get pretty postcards to frame.
    What was inthe crepe? It looks pinky, like smoked salmon.
    Can't wait for the Loire Valley and accounts of the wine.

  11. Helsie, if you look at my post "Nostalgic Prague", there's a comment there from Uncle Bernard which he was hoping you would look at.
