Sunday, April 4, 2010


Today it's Easter Sunday in Paris.
The weather is not great today - grey, cold with a wind that's icy at times and rainy sometimes too.
This morning we rugged up and set off from our cosy apartment in the Marais district to walk to the Louvre thinking it might be a good day to be inside out of the weather.

First we walked past the Hotel de Ville ......

then on to the river and along past Pont Neuf till we came to the Louvre.

When we entered the square in front of the Louvre we were greeted with this sight !!!

Well, we're not known to have THAT MUCH patience so out came our trusty Rick Steve's book and he suggested we try the entrance to the Louvre through the Carrousel de Louvre shopping mall.

So off we went into the shopping centre and joined what looked like a very long line. 
It took us 15 minutes to get through the security and into the Louvre
and when we went to pay our entrance fee of 9E 50 they told us that it was free today!

How is that for good luck?


Now there were lots of people there but we set off to find the Mona Lisa looking at the artwork along the way.

Then finally we found her!

Or rather the bun fight that surrounds her !!!

I gave up!
I'm too short and I could see her better from the back of the mob

but Tony's height gave him a better view.

The crowd began to sort itself out as people strolled along looking at the art and we joined in up and down stairs, round corners, taking photos along the way....

The view from the windows was lovely.

Soon we were hopelessly lost and it took what seemed ages to find our way back to where we came in.
By this time we were really pooped and set off for home after a quick hot chocolate.
On the way home it hailed !! Then the sun came out briefly and we had time to purchase our bagettes for the day and unlock the big security doors,

load ourselves into the tiny lift.....

  and  collapse on the sofa with our feet up with a cup of tea and a coke.

Louvre - been there, done that!

Soup for tea tonight.

Cheers from Paris


  1. What a shame the weather is not good we have been lucky enough to have a beautiful sunny Easter day here! I am glad you managed to get into the Louvre without waiting all day! Sounds like you are enjoying your stay in Paris - have you been to Montmartre district yet? I love it and if you like sewing the fabric shops are to die for!

    Jane x

  2. Looks like everyone else in Paris had the same thought as you. LOL! I've never been abroad so I really enjoyed these photos Helsie. And this is probably as close as I will ever get to the Mona Lisa. It's sunny here with a little wind and it's suppose to be warm today high around 78 degrees F. Yesterday I started to get our front door ready to paint and discovered that the wood is rotten on one frame lower side. This is the 2nd project that isn't going as we hoped. So now I put a call into Pella (great windows and door company here) to get an estimate to replace our door and frame with a Pella Door. Between the sidewalks, landscaping and now door lots of money is going to go out "the door". But in the end it will look nice. I'm looking forward to more photos of your trip. Have a very blessed and Happy Easter.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  3. Wow what a queue! Well done for getting in, when we went to see Mona the crowds were the same, she just attracts them!
    Your photos make me want to visit Paris again-it's been 18 years!
    Enjoy the rest of your trip.

  4. Great post Helsie, I have been to Paris but didn't get to the Louvre - are you gonna head to Monmartre and have a portrait done? Sorry the weather isn't too great, but at least you can wander round without the scorching heat you are used to in Australia. Its great - feels like you are just up the road now!!! **Kim**x

  5. Thank you for taking me on your tour of the Louvre! What a crowd... and I'm in agreement with Sandy - it's the closest I'll probably ever get to the Mona Lisa!
    Enjoy the rest of your holiday.

  6. Oh wow that was a nice surprise to hear from you! Oh you are so good taking photos for us. We feel as though we are there with you. Mind you we wouldn't all get in that lift!
    Hugs and Love Suex
    Happy Holiday! x

  7. Now that looks like a trip of a lifetime! Enjoy.

  8. Well you wanted some cooler weather and it looks like you have it!!! Yeah!!!!
    thanks for the tour, may never get the chance myself, so will enjoy a pseudo-tour along with you

  9. Well, tell us - which pair of shoes did YOU buy???
    Louvre crowds look familiar! Were you amazed at how small the Mona Lisa actually is - I was!
    Agree with all the Monmartre recommendations - loved that area. We were lucky enough to go there on a crystal clear day, setting off Sacre Coeur beautifully!
    Great to read you post and see your photos.
