Friday, April 23, 2010


We are beginning to come to terms with the French obsession with lunch but it has taken a while. We keep forgetting and doing things like pulling into a petrol station to buy gazol (diezel ) only to find it closed for lunch till 2:30 !!!!
However we are using this obsession when we visit the chateaux. We get up late ( say 8:00am ) and don't get going till about 10:00 or 10:30. Then we arrive at the chateau around 11ish and by the time we've negotiated parking and entry it is close to lunchtime and there are hardly any people around !!
Good plan ?
On Wednesday we followed this plan and set off for Chenonceau arriving at our usual time. We feared this one might be crowded as it is very famous because of its picturesque building across the Cher river but there were not too many people there at all so once again we breezed our way through this unique building.

1 comment:

  1. "We get up late, (say 8.00 am)". Oh, Helsie, you lazy lay-a-bed!
    What I mean is 8.00 for me is mega early. Feels like the middle of the night. You call it late? Heck. I feel so ashamed. For work I have to get up early but weekends and holidays well, er, it's about 9 or 10 (unless in a hotel or B&B when there's a set breakfast time). Still, you get a more full day if you do get up early. Good plan indeed.
    Glad you got a good look at the chateau without the crowds.
