Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Boy, have I got some catching up to do.
We have not had any internet for over a week so I have lots to tell you about!

Firstly though. there's this photo.
On our journeys through these lovely chateaux we came upon a throne room and a throne which might have given me ideas above my station !!
Queen Helsie, do you think?!

The next chateau we visited was the famous Chenonceau which sits astride the Cher river.
This picturesque setting alone makes it very special.

During WWII the river Cher formed the border between occupied France and free France and this chateau built over the river played its part in many a transfer of freedom fighters of the Resistance in and out of German occupied territory.

It has lovely  manicured gardens on either side of the main entrance.

Amboise Chateau sits high above the pretty town of Amboise and is the final resting place of Leonardo da Vinci. Below there are spectacular views of the Loire river and the pretty bridges that span it as it winds its way through the fertile plains.

Next came Chateau Vilandry and the most fabuluous gardens we have seen.

These are the love gardens - each one depicts a certain type of love. Inside the hedges is filled with tulips

The gardens stretch out in front of you  divided by walkways lined with trees that have been lopped and which will grow into a huge hedge as the spring progresses.( perhaps Lime trees?)

There is a whole section devoted to beds of different coloured vegetables.

I could go on and on with these lovely chateaux. The Loire Valley has hundreds of them for tiurists to visit, all clustered round the pretty Loire, Cher and Indre rivers.

Next week we move on to Burgundy amongst the grape vines !



  1. It all looks beautiful, Queen Helsie!
    I hope you are drinking plenty wine too.
    I look forward to the Burgundy bit.

  2. Glad you're both enjoying it so much. The weather seems to have been kind to you.
    Be careful of mentioning 'Throne Rooms' up here in our 'northern climes'. There is another meaning to it, in case you didn't know! :o)
    Take care....Bernard.

  3. Wow! What beautiful gardens. Absolutely stunning. It looks as though whatever direction you looked in, there was something amazing to look at! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Those photos are very Alice in Wonderland!
    Yes the throne suits you M'Lady, or should that be Your Majesty LOL

  5. I am so enjoying your holiday!!! These photos are fantastic. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  6. Glad you are enjoying your holiday - what a lot you will have to remember and to tell your family on your return!


  7. France in Spring tres bon! So glad you are having a lovely time - those gardens must take days of work to keep them looking so perfect! **Kim**x

  8. Those chateaus are just spectacular but the gardens 'take the cake'!!! Glad to catch up again - and that you are having such a great time. I head back to Aus soon - only 2 sleeps!!!

  9. Gorgeous photos and it looks like the weather is perking up a bit for you. Looking forward to hearing/seeing Burgundy; we had a fab time there in 1997 - hic !

  10. No, we haven't forgotten about you at all. We have missed you greatly in fact. But, with all that your are seeing, please forget about us and soak it all up. We can wait to see all your beautiful pictures when you have a chance. With chateaus and gardens like this, I would be look for a place to move. PERMANENTLY!!!!!!.... Do we know how much longer you are over there?

    Your the best to take a moment to update us,
    We are all just doing the same old boring things here...hooking and gardening and taking pictures..boring...

    Kate - <3<3<3

  11. Spec-tac-u-lar! Wow, such beauty. It looks like you two are having a wonderful time!

  12. Hi Helen,
    These photos are absolutely stunning. Those gardens are absolutely beautiful! What a treat. The buildings too are just out of 'fairyland!'.
    Some lovely photos of you both together, grabbed a passer by?
    Great, so pleased you are enjoying yourselves.
    Yes we have missed you, and yes I have been busy.
    Hugs Suex

  13. That hedge maze looks amazing! Did you walk inside it? Beautiful place!
