Thursday, April 22, 2010


This week we are staying in a small village called Gy en Sologne.

The gite is right in the village which is very neat and tidy but without much colour as there is no grassed area or flowers. Athough there are lots of cottages round us it is very quiet.

Of course Tony has made friends with the lady who works in the Boulangerie where he buys his bagette every day!
The gite is very comfortable and well equipped but wait till you see the main bedroom upstairs.

Very lovely and huge.

The area we are staying in is  dotted with small lakes or ponds and little streams link them to eachother so the area is very popular for fishing I am told.
It is also very handy for visiting the chateaux of this area.


On Sunday after an early lunch we visited Chivernay .

 It is beautifully furnished and maintained throughout and one wing is still occupied by the family that owns it.
I really like to hear that as I hate to see these terrific buildings sitting empty.

 Lovely gardens just beginning to bloom.

After that we went on to Blois  where we explored the old part of the town and came upon some fine views of the majestic Loire river.

On Tuesday Chambord was the chateau of choice.

Enormous, imposing, isolated,

surrounded by water, then woods,

topped by lots of decorative chimneys and towers.

You can walk all the way round the huge building along this pretty walkway.

A delightful, decorative spiral staircase with links to Leonardo daVinci to progress from one level to the next
but   empty !
Such a pity to see this vast building without furniture, but it is all long gone.

The vast empty spaces of this chateau were used to store works of art that were hidden from the Germans during WWII.

Not a bad start to the week.
Oh and much warmer - sunny and around 18 degrees.


PS Just edited the name of the last chateau to Chambord. Good thing I reread what I had written this morning !!!


  1. Love those chateau photos - the gardens at Chivernay look spectacular. Love the photos of the chimneys and towers of Chinon. Haven't been to this area of France - after seeing your photos will be adding it to the list!!

  2. My first comment was that Tony and you look a lot warmer. Still not as warm as home - Sydney today 30C!!!!
    Love those buildings - so imposing, so much history

  3. I see that you're still having fun...what a great trip for you and Tony!

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  4. Very pretty village. Love the beam in the bedroom. Stunning photos, Helsie.

  5. Lovely, Helen, so French! We have visited Chambord - French Chateaux are certainly interesting - glad you are enjoying the Loire region **Kim**x

  6. Wonderful images, and just the kind of holiday I'd love to have! I'm working my way through your blog posts... Came here via YP.

  7. I notice you're turning more and more French with each post - what with your stripy Breton top and all!! Lovely pics and it doesn't look like it's too busy either which must be a bonus.

    Kate x

  8. Have I died and gone to heaven. Just look at those gardens. I can't believe what a wonderful trip this is turning out to be for you. Looks like the weather is getting better everyday. This whole itinerary looks amazing. When you get home please post the details again, if I missed.

    Another great place you are staying at. Poor Scooter, he is going to hear all about my travel dreams tonight over cocktails. I so want to go again....

    Continue to have a great trip and post when you can, loven't each picture.

    Tell Tony not to eat too many baguettes and loss that figure...he-he....

    Off to check on Mrs. Twins. I think she got some amazing new today...


    Kate <3 <3 <3

  9. You are making me feel so nostalgic Helsie. We have spent many holidays in France and I particularly love Normandy and the Loire Valley. So glad you enjoyed Honfleur!

    Great chateau photos and the gardens are very chic and beautiful - looks like the weather is perfect too.


  10. Another day, another visit, just to see if you all are up to some place new. Can't wait to see your next stop.


  11. HI Helen,
    We are all enjoying your trip so....much.Wefeel as though we have been packed into the suitcase with you.
    Those gardens are just so beautiful and the buildings so old. Kept so well too.
    You really do both look so relaxed and well.
    Its such a pleasure to view your photos. Yes, I would like to help you with a slide show on your return.
    Hugs to you Suex

  12. I have been completely charmed by your blog. I stopped in just to say hello and was lured into reading your older posts. I love your adventures and I love your food. I'll be back often to keep abreast of your travels and what is coming from your kitchen. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  13. Oh my word! I now have no need to visit these areas of France. I feel like I've just been there! What a fabulous trip you are having! The chateaux are really beautiful. I agree with you though... such a shame that some are empty and devoid of life! Enjoy! Ros
