Tuesday, March 23, 2010


This is apparently Joy Dettman's first published novel and I loved it.

She is an Australian writer, born in country Victoria,
who grew up in towns on either side of the Murray River.
It's not a recent publication - 2007 - but the first I've read of her work.
 According to the inside of the front cover she has several more published now.

The Queensland Times review said :
" A stunning debut; a rich engrossing read; a tale of page-turning suspense and mystery;
a post morteum of family ties;  all this and more, Mullawindy will grab you hook, line and sinker"

If you come across it grab it! I think you'll enjoy it.



  1. This has peaked my interest. Yes, I do read, but mostly at night right before closing my eyes. I know you won't believe this, but I have a hard time sitting still during the day.... chuckle-chuckle. Right now, reading my way through THe LoSt SymBol....

    I bet you are getting excited for you big trip. So glad to hear you are taking a laptop. I will testify it's strange, but so nice to keep in touch.

    Kate - The Garden Bell

  2. Kate:
    I'll be interested to see what you think of The Lost Symbol. I got it for Christmas and struggled to get to the end. In fact I don't think I persevered right to the end. A huge disappointment and I loved the other books especially Angels and Demons.
    I too read when I go to bed. Sometimes a good book is responsible for a very late night!
    Cheers Helen

  3. Late Nights? More like crocheting for me!
    I wish I had more time to read. I get so engrossed in crocheting not much time for anything else.
    I'm really pleased you enjoyed the read Helen.
    Are you taking some books away with you?
    Hugs and Love Suex

  4. Hi there Helsie. Thanks for dropping by my blog and praising my use of words. Much appreciated. Glad to see that you also survived teaching. Isn't it nice to be able to breathe again? Looking at the header picture on your blog, I am afraid I never realised that Australia is home to some ancient castles. Those aboriginees were cleverer than some people think!

  5. Hello Helsie Thankyou for visiting my blog, I love your patchwork, colours are so pretty. Gibraltar is a rock perched at the bottom of spain overlooking the starits and Africa. Australia seems exotic to me all about distance I suspect....
    love Louise x

  6. This looks my kind of book - but alas! no books available here!
    Actually I do still read a lot. Nick and I have both invested in a kindle as we both love to read (tried sharing one but that didn't work! Kindle has to be the best purchase made in a long time. We download books from Amazon ( much less expensive!) great when travelling as can download by wireless or via computer.
    Enjoy your trip.
    Maria M

  7. Thanks Helsie, I am always on the look-out for something new to read. I have never heard of this author either.
    I just picked up "The Fire" by Katherine Neville. She wrote a book ages ago called "Eight" which had me captivated. Its along the lines of Dan Brown's books, but came out way, way before them. Can't wait to see if this new one (well new to me, its 2008 pub.) is as interesting
