Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Helloooooo to all my friends out there in Blogland.

This is my 100th post!


When I started my blog, I did it because I love to do stuff with computers.

My holiday photos turn into slideshows with a difference when I watch them with text and music on my TV thanks to Movie Maker.
I email my friends daily.
I dabble in Facebook.
I surf the net, chasing topics that interest me.
I research my holidays and book my flights and accommodation online.

So I made a blog with encouragement from my friend Ro.......
.... and there it sat ...
and I thought "Now what?"

Then I saw the film "Julie and Julia" and wondered how you achieved communication with  people
..... and at the same time another friend directed me to the wonderful blog  Attic24 .

Once again Ro encouraged me,...."If  you  find Attic24's day to day life interesting, perhaps others from other parts of the world will be interested in your comings and goings."

So I was off .....
and thanks to all of you out there I'm having a ball!

I have "met" a whole range of people I now call  "FRIEND".

You are the last ones I call into at night before I go to bed
and I breakfast with you every morning!

For me the world has shrunk!

Thank you for your friendship my dear Blogland friends.



  1. Congratulations on your 100th - I too was amazed to realise that I am almost there myself! Isn't it all such fun and the friendships are really a wonderful bonus. Here's to your next 100 posts!

    Jane x

  2. Well done Helen.
    That is 'good going' from August last year.
    Your blogs have "Quality" as well as "Quantity".

  3. Congratulations from me too. Yes, we across the world are very interested in all you have to say. I agree with Uncle B about Q and Q. So right.

  4. Congratulations from me too and here's to another 100 ! The internet is such an incredible thing, who'd have thought we could achieve all this - our grandparents would be amazed.

  5. Well done on a hundred posts! And if it is really true that "I breakfast with you every morning", tomorrow morning please call me from my slumbers when you have prepared my full English breakfast with an extra sausage! I'll be down in a jiffy.


    ooH I'm over the moon for you! What an achievement!
    I know at first you wonder what on earth you are going to talk about. Before you know it you have done 100! So pleased for you, and I do hope you carry on!
    We love your Blog Helen, always so interesting!
    Hugs and Love Suex

  7. I too, have breakfast with my Blog family. heres to many more posts M'lady XX

  8. Congratulations on your 100th post Helsie. Isn't it amazing to find such a like-minded community of people. Love your blog Helsie and here's to a hundred more of your wonderful posts, and beyond...

    Jeanne xx

  9. I am still wet from the shower so to speak Helen and its always very early in the morning when i log in to my blogs...and as a follower of yours i always take a look and love to and read what you have postet...so...congratulations and off you go to another 100 or more lovely stories..
    greetings from Holland... Francien.

  10. Congratulations on your 100th post. I like eating breakfast alone !

  11. Congratulations on your 100th post Helen - as a blog beginner I am in awe of this achievement!

  12. We'll be breakfasting together in Paris soon Tony!

  13. Congrats on your 100th post Helsie! Like you I have been amazed at the friends I have made just because of my blog. I never realized that I would meet bloggers from around the world. It is so interesting to read about your life down under and others living in the UK. My love of crochet has also open the doors wider than I ever thought it would. And who thought we would reach our 100th so quickly!

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  14. Hi Helen, Congratulations on your 100th post well done! Its lovely that the world has shrunk I still cant quite believe when I tap into my computer I am actually communicating with people across the world!! Seeing the map really brings it home how far apart we are in real terms - blogging is great and I always enjoy yours and the interesting information about Australia! Take care **Kim**x

  15. Congrats, congrats, congrats!!!!
    There will be many more posts yet to be written, especially with France almost at your door

  16. 100 posts and I have only just arrived! Got some catching-up to do! Bouncing from blog to blog I found you this week, and decided to leave a comment as you assure us it's one of your favourite things! Well done, a fascinating blog, I'll be back ....

  17. A little late, but, congratulations! Not only is blogging fun, but, you meet lots of great folks and even learn a thing or two along the way!
