Saturday, March 20, 2010


As you know I am new to patchwork.
My first quilt, nearly finished, is packed in the linen cupboard.

Before I attempted it I decided to have a trial run to see if I could do it right.
You know: -
seams had to be a quarter of an inch...
sewn straight......
corners matching.

Some very dear friends have a wholesale furnishing business and they kindly gave me lots of material samples. The sort of material used in curtains and to cover furniture.
Not really the sort of material you would usually use to make a quilt.

I sorted through all of this bounty and pulled out all the pinky green pieces and went to work learning....
to cut....
and measure ....
and calculate .....
and think it through.....

and came up with this!

Want a closer look?

Oh yes, there are mistakes and I can see what I did wrong,
where I need to be careful in future,
but it also shows how easy it can be to put a whole variety of materials together and come out with something that is really rather nice.

I bought some pretty green for the border and now it is my picnic tablecloth.
I'm very happy with my little learning task.



  1. Love it, Helen. Pink and green are my favourite colour combination! Maria M

  2. Well can be very proud of yourself...its so lovely!!! great colorcombination...Well done!!...greetings Francien.

  3. Helen, its beautiful-very 'spring-like' I love the colours.

  4. Wow I think that is amazing and cannot believe it is your trial run! I did give patchwork a go but I never really got to grips with it at all so am really very impressed with yours. If I'd managed to do that it would be hanging on the wall in a frame not used as a picnic cloth!


  5. Well done you, gorgeous work and definitely worthy of one so grand!

  6. Hi Helsie,
    That's a very pretty patchwork quilt! Did you use your sewing machine or do it by hand? I have a cousin who makes lovely quilts and my hubby has a cousin who also makes the most beautiful quilts. We live by Lancaster PA which is an Amish community. The Amish sell their quilts in shops but they are so expensive - easily $800 to over $1000. I was glad to read you are taking up crocheting! Being a knitter I'm sure you won't have any trouble with it. It's SPRING here today - I'm out on our screened in porch as I type this listening to the birds singing. It's just lovely out - warm - no humidity. Have a great day!

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  7. Thanks every one for all your encouragement. What would I do without my Blogland friends to cheer me on?

  8. Stunning... but girlfriend are you fibbing. This can't be your first one. Perfect. Great job.

    So, you are the one who knew I was heading for a crash and burn. Once, a great mom, always a great mom....and friend too......

    Off to see what I've missed while entertaining the MIL. Can't wait to get caught up with all.

    Sunny and 75, perfect afternoon at the pool.

    Happy at the Beach,
    The Garden Bell - Kate

    When do you leave?

  9. Helen you have done a wonderful job of your first quilt... now you can go for it...
    There will be no stopping you now...

  10. Hello from Washington State. Your new finished quilt is just wonderful. Do not fret over the mistakes, it only add charm and it is a learning tool for you. I enjoyed my visit here today and will follow you, please stop by my blog when you have a moment. And the boat races, OMG I would just love to watch the young men, looks like a lot of fun. XO MARY

  11. OOh I love this, clever girl! isn't it funny how we feel we must "apologise" for our mistakes (the ones no-one notices except us!)
    Lovely spring colours.

  12. You know why don't you make a Friendship Quilt.
    Rather the same as I am doing with my squares.
    EAch friend could send you a small piece of their favourite material. you could put together your very own Friendship Quilt!
    This Quilt looks so neat. But like Kate, I'm sure this can't be your first, it looks perfect!
    I'd be willing to send a square!
    Love to you
    Hugs Suex

  13. Beautiful work Helsie!!! No mistakes I can easily see. I really love patchwork.
    Now the trip to France can become expensive - wool shopping, patchwork shopping, shopping shopping and then the sites you want to see - busy, busy, busy.
    But oh I want to go with you!!!

  14. Oh Helsie, that quilt is really beautiful. The colours are gorgeous. It doesn't look like a 'learning ' piece to me! It looks pretty perfect. Great work Ros

  15. Helsie, I can hardly believe that is your first attempt! It's wonderful and the colours co-ordinate so obviously have a real eye for colour. x
