Monday, February 15, 2010


I'm back !
We've been to Hervey Bay to visit my parents.
You can read about Hervey Bay here.
It's a four to five hour drive both ways. We drove up for a little pre-birthday celebration leaving home on Saturday morning early and coming home after lunch on Sunday. ( I've a birthday with BIG numbers coming up next weekend),

Today has been a scorcher - about 35 most of the day. I've had the air-con going since 10 o'clock so that I can get on with some of the jobs that need doing around here before my overseas visitors arrive in two weeks time.
Have to keep up the pretence that I'm an efficient housekeeper when all I want to do is get on with finishing my quilt.

Yes, it's back from the quilting lady and it looks great. I'm very pleased with it but heaven knows when I'll get the time to finish it off.
This is it before it was quilted.

Looking into my backyard you can almost see the plants wilting in the heat.
All except these.

They love the hot weather but the hot wind is knocking them around a bit today.



  1. Oh Helsie how lovely to see some sunshine and hear that you are too warm - it's still very cold here and today it's grey too! What are those lovely pink flowers? Your quilt looks great - hope you manage to find time to finish it off in between doing your chores!


  2. I love the quilt, it's gorgeous! It's always difficult getting time to finish them off. I've got two that need binding that have been sitting in my WIP basket for 6 mths! Hope you get yours done. A x

  3. Lovely quilt, and the flowers look beautiful, the cold here has gotten to everything here :( hoping it comes back when it warms up.

  4. I long for flowers! Are those white ones jasmine, with the delcious scent, which I can't grow because it's not hardy enough?

  5. Foody:
    Both flowers are the same plant- Brazilian Jasmine (Mandevilla splendens). The pink is just a "double" but the flowers are quite large- about the size of the palm of your hand-and they have no perfume.

  6. Hi Helen, thanks for popping in, very pleased to make your acquiantance. Phew, 35 degrees, it was -5 here this morning and I still haven't warmed up! Lovely quilt.
    Hope you have a lovely day.
    Jak x

  7. Your quilt looks beautiful Helen. Can't wait for the big showing with its lovely pillow as well
    This rain, then heat is certainly taking its toll on us

  8. They don't look like they are wilting at all. Never seen those. Just what are they. Stunning. Love the pink and white. They appear to be climbers. Head out with some water, we don't want to lose those babies.

    YES, I"M on the laptop. Not happy about this at all. I think Scott's going to have to put my whole desktop in the car for this trip.

    Off to read more. You were way down the list, so I know I'm far, far behind on everyone.

    Cheers,as you would say.

    Kate - The Garden Bell

  9. I love your jasmine - the pink is just BEAUTIFUL!

    Wow 35 degrees - we're lucky if it reaches 3 degrees at the moment! Hervey Bay looks wonderful...

    Jeanne x

  10. Gorgeous piccies, your flowers look very cheerful, as does the lovely quilt. I don't envy your 35 deg heat I'm afraid, I much prefer our temperature (although I'm not too keen on this either). Half Term here and it's raining!!

  11. It is so cold and snowy here, seeing pictures of your garden is like a breath of spring! i love your blue and yellow quilt:>)
