Thursday, February 11, 2010


I spent the day today with a group of very clever ladies.
Each month we meet for a day of handcrafting.
Some knit and some crochet making lap rugs for the elderly from wool donated from many sources.

Some embroider,  make items from tiny hexagons ....

or pretty patchwork

and others make the most amazing quilts.

So today was a day for show and tell.

All those projects that have been finished off over the Christmas break.

Here are just a few.

Then there are the WIPs

I'm hoping some of their talent will rub off on me!



  1. My goodness, what talented ladies. I'm wildly impressed!

  2. Gosh I think I'd feel totally out of my depth there. What a clever group. You didn't tell us if your work was on show and if so which it was!


  3. My first ever attempt at quilting is off being machine quilted as we speak Jane.
    You don't think I could keep quiet about that do you?

  4. What incredible pieces, all of them.

  5. Well Helen, what a fab group to belong to and all the projects are breathtakingly beautiful, I have a soft spot for the patchwork dress such a pretty pink. Can't wait to see your quilt that will be a great Ta Dah moment for you! **Kim**x

  6. Lovely work, my favourite is the quilt with the birds and leaves (though I'd prefer it without the scalloped edge as it was beautiful enough already!)

  7. Unbelieveable. Of course, I want one of those sun dresses for gardening. And then the birdie quilt. And then the yummie one in the jewel tones. Ok, I want and love them all. What a fun day of color u must have had. Can I come visit next week..... chuckle-chuckle.

    Kate - The Garden Bell - <3
    <3 = Heart
    <3 <3 <3 = Hearts

  8. Wow! Wow! Wow!
    You know I'm loving the blankets at the beginning! So beautiful. In fact they all are Helen. Thank you so much for sharing these with your Blog land chums. I have really enjoyed this post, I enjoy them all, but this one its so lovely to see what every one has carefully made. What a wonderful group you belong to! Fantastic really good.
    Hugs and Love Suex

  9. I think that's so nice that you all get together every month to craft. Great idea. Can't wait to see your quilt when it's done!

  10. Wow!!! What inspiration for you and luckily, cause you shared the photos, for us!!! Would love to see the work up close

  11. I think all the work is amazing, but I, too, like the birdy quilt most.
    Jak x

  12. Those quilts are amazing. I love the one with the bird motif - just beautiful. What a talented group of ladies!

    Jeanne x
