Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I don't know if you've noticed but I've not been posting much.
Oh I've been here, cruising round the blogs reading all your posts and leaving comments where I could.

But I've been very BUSY !

Cleaning for my visitors and before I go away  ..........

... and I've been trying to organise crafty workshops for my CWA group.
I will tell you all about them as they happen.

Last year ( before my blogging life began) I attended a Ribbon Embroidery workshop.
I have a table runner which I love and I thought I would like to learn how to do it.
Maybe make another one for my dining table.

So off I went to the workshop and it was sooooooo DIFFICULT to do!
Hard to control that ribbon.
I'd just finish one flower, give the ribbon a final pull and phtt a whole section of a flower on the other side of the sampler would disappear!!
Or the perfect pansy would pucker and twist !!!

So after  FIVE  hours I went home with  3   flowers completed !

Luckily for me Tony had flown south to see a football game and I had a whole weekend to myself.
And how do you think I spent it ?
Yes, I sewed.... and sewed ....and sewed ....

'til I finished the blessed sampler!


So here it is

Want a closer look?

Two sorts of rose.


and pansies

and even though I've bought all the equipment I still haven't tackled that new runner.



  1. Hi Helsie,
    That is very pretty ribbon embroidery. I have always wanted to give it a try and bought an excellent book on it a while back. I think I will get a kit to do the first one but not sure when that will be.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  2. Me too - wanting to give it a try, that is. For years and years and years actually.
    I think yours is beautiful, might have a look around for a kit now. Didn't know there were kits too

  3. That's beautiful Helsie. I did try it once but found it far too difficult and lacked the patience so am in awe of what you have done. Lovely.


  4. Strange I was looking at a book yesterday in the Hobby Shop on the same subject. It's very pretty! It does look involved.
    Hugs and Love Suex

  5. I think that's a fantastic job, the flowers a completely true to life. I bought a Martha Stewart mag and then a book a couple of years ago explaining about ribbon embroidery but haven't got round to trying it out yet. Maybe I'll wait a little longer if it's that difficult!

  6. That's really beautiful ribbon embroidery. Stunning! I've never been much good at embroidery so I bow down to you in admniration of your amazing talent. It's just so pretty. Ros

  7. First, I'm very nervous about you going away. But, I guess some are having the same feelings about me going away. I totally, know how it is to get the house ready to leave. Mine needs to be spic n' span before the door is closed, alarm set and locked up. But, this time who knows if they will be finished in the bath. Very nervous about the whole thing as we come down the wire.

    Love, Love, Love you ribbon flowers. You are more talented than you give yourself credit for.

    Remember to breathe as you close up and head out.

    Kate - xoxox -<3 <3 <3

  8. Just like everyone else, this is something I have been itching to try. It may be difficult but your sampler is just breathtaking! Those pansies! I love every single flower:>)

  9. Hi Helen, well that is a family heirloom if ever I saw one!! Beautiful, well done it does look difficult - I think I had a cross stitch sampler somewhere with ribbons incorporated but never got round to doing it - I think I opened it looked at the instructions and though hmmmmm!! **Kim**x

  10. Oh Helen, these are divine, so delicate and pretty, well done!
